Chapter 11

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"This one's gonna look so good on you," Xialing exclaimed, showing you the twentieth dress. It was a tight bodycon and short dress, barely reaching the area of your half thigh. "It's a little short but it'll look good."

"No freaking way, I'm going to wear that. It's gonna barely reach the half of thighs. It's just too sexy.." You stated. "I think I'll go for some floral dresses that would atleast reach up to my knees and-"

Xialing groaned before putting back the dress. "Why do you always wanna dress up like a 90s movie housewife girl? If not this, then some other one but I'm gonna get you a nice dress for sure."

You knew that it was no use with arguing with her and gave up. And like she said, she finally got you a dress and let you buy clothes of your taste for yourself.

That wednesday evening was the longest day of your life with her and you were happy to finally get out of the mall. And since both of you were equally hungry, and decided to have dinner outside as both you were also too exhausted to make something at home.

"That's it, thank you." You say as the waiter walks away after taking your order. "So I wanted to tell you something. I'm dating somebody.. and that is Seojun," Xialing almost choked on her drink. "And trust me, it's not a joke, I'm serious."

"And when did this happen?"

"Yesterday?" That came out as a question, how dumb. "Yeah, yesterday.." You just hope that Xialing don't yell at you for telling her so late and guess today the luck was on your side.

She took a sip of water before replying. "Oh. So that's why you called him to pick you up yesterday? And when did he confessed to you about his feelings?"

That's not so her.

"Almost like a week ago." You chuckled nervously. "Look don't be mad at me for telling you this late but I didn't wanted you to get worried about me and that's why I didn't.. told you. I'm sorry,"

"Yeah, it's okay, I understand. But promise me that you'll tell me everything from now on without giving it a thought?" She extended her pinky finger for the pinky promise as you smiled and returned it. "Let's go to karaoke after dinner,"

And just like she said, both of you went to karaoke and were singing your heart out. You had to admit it, it was fun, really fun. You missed the school days when you, Xialing, Seojun and Gowoon always went to karaoke places and sang your heart out.

You were breathing heavily and sweating as you sat down on the sofa and watched Xialing singing and doing her happy dance. As her singing was loud, she wasn't able to hear you laughing and continued singing. And soon you got up when it was your favourite part,

Get the fuck outta my way
I'm gonna get paid, yeah
I wanna get paid, yeah
Just give me my mula-la-la
Get the fuck outta my way
I'm gonna get paid, yeah
I'm gonna get paid, yeah
Just give me my mula-la-la

I really like to party
I really like to party
I really like to party, I cannot control my body
So when this song is starting, just cancel all your plans, oh
It's evident in my dancing, moonwalk like Michael Jackson

You stopped when you realised that the coming up lyrics were Xialing's favourite. And you gotta admit it, she's better in singing then you.

I really like your body,
I really like your body
I don't know why you hide it, I wanna see you behind me
You know you don't gotta lie to me
Yo quiero sentirte inside of me
Todo el día imaginándote, lo quiero pa' to'a la noche
And you know I don't need no favors
You know I don't need no fake love
I'm that bitch on and off of the cameras
Type of bitch few people can handle
And I walk like I know my pussy dangerous
Talk like my words are made of angel dust
When I whisper to you in a couple languages

Oh gosh, she was so good, her voice is really made of angel dust and yeah it's also true that she's that kind of bitch that only a few people can handle.

"Quit staring at me," She flips her hair and before she could continue there was a knock at door and the lady told you guys that your turn was over. So both of you packed your things before getting out of there and walking on the road.

"The uber will be here in ten minutes," You said before sliding your phone in your handbag. It was very late right now, and since there were nobody visible at this hour, it made you a little uncomfortable too. "I wanna go home and just sleep," You commented.

"Yeah same here," She yawned for the millionth time, waiting for the uber as she was tapping her feet on the ground.

And soon later, the uber finally showed up as both of got inside and it first dropped her. You threw your head back and closed your eyes, trying to take a nap until you reach at you destination but unfortunately the driver suddenly stopped the car, making you to hit your head.

"That hurts," You whispered to yourself and got off, making your way to the elevator and then unlocking your apartment. "I missed you so much, my home sweet home!" You dramatically said and took off your heels and dropped your handbag on the dining table before walking into your bedroom.

You changed into comfortable clothes and washed your face multiple times trying to get off the makeup.

You then walked out of the bathroom, into the kitchen and made yourself a glass of hot chocolate milk before going to sleep. When it was ready, you poured it into a cup and sat down on the couch before turning on the tv and watching the news.

And as always Kim Taehyung was on the news. The reporter was praising his company before the camera went to the other direction and it revealed that she was taking his interview.

Ah, that's why she was praising his company so much.

You chuckled and took a sip from your chocolate milk. As the interview went on, most of the questions were how he became so successful at such a young age and one of the richest person of South Korea and even the asia.

That was also till she asked him about his love life, as she said,

"So Mr. Kim Taehyung, as you we all know that you got divorced a few months ago, and the most of the people thinks that your ex-wife cheated on you, is that true?"

"I'd prefer not to make any comment on that."

"But your followers especially female followers really want to know that and same goes for us, media. But it's fine as one day you'll definitely do it. So let's now move on with the next question, are you dating somebody right now?"

Oh yeah, of course they want to know it so that they could hit on him and message him every second and ask him out.

"Uh, no, I'm single right now."

"That's a wonderful news for all your fangirls out there. So, girls get on your phone and ask him out on a date. He won't refuse, will you?"

"Of course not, I'm waiting, haha."

You turned off the tv, annoyed by the interview, especially of their laughs.

"Bastard," You muttered under your breath as you got up before turning off the lights and going to bed.

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