𝒗𝒊. whispers in your head

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CHAPTER SIX . . . whispers in your head

 whispers in your head

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"I CANNOT BELIEVE I AM DOING THIS." Persie declared for perhaps the seventh time that day. They were currently walking along a train platform, watching as the train carried on towards its final destination.

The three others with her started trekking to the bridge. They needed to get a move on if they were going to arrive at the Hall on time. George was kind enough to wait for her as she took in her surroundings. It had been a long time since she'd seen the countryside, and sadly it brought back memories Persie would rather forget.

"You've been saying that since you arrived at the house," Lockwood said ahead of her, not bothering to turn around as he held his bags. Truth was, she'd been saying it long before then. Since she woke up in fact.

George was busy looking at the landscape instead. Focusing on how there was more grass than brick around them. "There's a lot of green!" He asserted over the overly loud sounds of the train moving.

Persie marvelled at the sight before her.

Just because she didn't like to relieve the lonely memories; didn't mean she didn't love the feel and smell of the fresh open air.

"Never been outside of London, George?" Lockwood questioned, all three of them eventually walking down the steps of the opposite side of the bridge.

"I visit my gran in Sidcup." The Karim boy pointed out. Making Persie laugh a little at how he had very poor geographical knowledge.

Because Lockwood was quick to correct him. "Sidcup is in London." They watched the train go past as they made it to the other platform. The noise was agonisingly loud, but soon it would be gone.

"Then you have your answer." He declared, focusing on the path in front of him while Persie was walking slower behind them all. It wasn't often she got to see a view like this, so she was taking it all in. Poor Fern was missing a lot. "Doesn't look like I've missed much."

She wanted to clap back at the foolish boy then and there, calling him a cold-hearted fiend. Only true monsters hated a landscape as naturally beautiful as this.

Lockwood was more interested in their employer though. And how much publicity they were going to get after this job. "I can't believe we're going to Sir John Fairfax's house." He marvelled, almost daydreaming.

The Harrow girl scoffed at that. Who would've guessed that he'd be John Fairfax's biggest fan? Her. Because for all of the four years she'd known him, he'd been obsessed with becoming someone as well known as Fairfax. Hoping to eventually become a local legend.

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