Chapter 1

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Richie's POV:

I step down the ladder that leads to the clubhouse.

I enter the room to see everyone doing their own thing.
Eddie's in the hammock reading, Bill, Bev, and Ben are all talking to each other, Mike is sitting in the swing while listening to the others talk, and Stan is at the small table writing something down on a piece of paper.

I decide to bother Stan, and see what he is writing on the paper.

I walk over, Stan seemingly not realizing my presence.
I glance over his shoulder to see what he is writing.

It's a small love letter.
I scan down the paper hoping to see who it is for.

After a bit of scanning I found a name.

'Bold Move Stanley' I think 'Bill's only a few feet away from you and you decide to write him a love letter.'

Now's the time to bother him.

"'I love you Bill' awwwww how chessy." I say, causing Stan to jump and cover his paper in a panic.

I smile, giggling at his reaction.
I have an idea.

Of course i'm not actually going to tell Bill that Stan likes him.
But Stan doesn't know that.

"Hey Big Bill! Stanley is falling in love-" I begin, but am cut off almost immediately as Stan places his hand over my mouth, forcing me to shut up.
(Yes, I changed it from being chocked to having his mouth covered, it felt more realistic to me. Because, lets face it, Richie would not be strong enough to choke Stan.)

"Eddie! I need to tell you something important about Richie's feelings!"

Now it's my turn to panic.

I quickly placed my hand on his mouth as fast as possible.

I glare at him, and he glares back.

Bill's POV:

I watch as Richie and Stan argue in the corner.

What did Richie try to tell me?

I'll have to ask him later.

I turn back to the rest of the group.
Ben looks just as confused as I do, but Bev has a small smile set in her face.

Bev's POV:

I can't help but giggle.
It's funny to watch as Stan tries to stop Richie and as Richie tries to stop Stan.

"idiots" I whisper,

I feel a small tap on my shoulder.
I turn around to see Bill.

"H-hey, do you know w-why they're f-figh-fighting now?" He asks

"You know, I was wondering the same thing." Ben says as he stands beside me.

I look over towards Bill.

"Sorry Bill, I have no idea." I say before turning to Ben and telling him everything.
Ben already knows that Richie and Stan are gay, I'm just informing him on how their gayness has caused this fight.

"Oh c-come on Bev." I hear Bill say, "You o-ob-obviously know, you just told b-Ben, so why can't I know?"

"It's secret information" I whisper, "One you may not know yet."

"f-fu-Fuck you guys" Bill says as he flips us off.

"Sorry Bill. It's private information" Ben says as he sits down next to him, "You may know eventually, but not from us."

Bill says nothing in response, but gives us the middle finger.

"We love you too" I say as I turn back to Richie and Stan, who continue to argue in the background.


Words: 538

Authors Note: Yes, I changed it from being chocked to having his mouth covered, it felt more realistic to me. Because, lets face it, Richie would not be strong enough to choke Stan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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