Devious Scheme

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This is where all of the plans of Vangelis will come to life. Or will it?

It was night. The dark skies of Shintaro were filled with heavy rain drops. Big drops of rain dropped down on the beautiful castle, where Vangelis, along with some allies, were discussing some plans that they had for the newly wed couple, Cole and Vania.

"So, if any of you still don't get the plan that I repeated several times already," said Vangelis. "just tell me! I don't want anything to go wrong! We only have one shot at this."

"No, Sir," said a man, who was known as Ahab. "Everything is clear for us. We will begin everything tomorrow morning."

"Oh, yes," said another, called Jehu. "I shall create a commotion that will greatly disturb the Queen, and the new King, and then, Ahab here, will do the rest."

"Great that you two finally understand everything," chuckled Vangelis. "Now, get some rest. I do not want any of you to be tired."

"Yes, Sir!" chorused, both Ahab and Jehu.

"Prepare yourself, Brookstone," said Vangelis, through gritted teeth. "I will take everything that you have now, and make it mine!"

"Cole, wake up!" said Vania, the next day. "It's your first day of being a King today!"

"Exciting, isn't it?" grumbled Cole, sitting up. "Okay, I'm up. What do I do next again?"

"Here, I'll tell you everything that you need to know in becoming a great King!" said Vania.

In the next few hours, Vania taught Cole everything that he was supposed to know as a member of the Shintarian Royal Family, and he was catching on pretty well. Better than expected, in Vania's opinion.

"I think I'm ready to begin this ruling thing now," said Cole, after all that Vania had said.

"Great!" exclaimed Vania. "Now all we have to do is to wait until Hailmar gives us something that we have to fix."

Cole nodded in agreement. Although the morning seemed to be quite peaceful for the King and Queen, a huge explosion suddenly happened.

"What was that?" asked Vania to Hailmar, who barged into the throne room. "Who did this?"

"Your Highness, we are looking into that," said Hailmar. "But the eruption started in the building in front of the former King's room."

"Your father's?" repeated Cole. "Could he be the source of this?"

"It can't be him," said Vania. "He's stuck in his cell. Not unless he hired some other people to do the work for him."

As the three of them discussed what just happened, Ahab, the man who works for Vangelis, entered the throne room. A distressed look on his face.

"Your Majesties," he said, bowing down in front of them. "I have found the source of this."

"Okay," said Vania. "Then, who is it?"

"It is a man called Jehu," said Ahab. "I shall bring you to him."

"Let's go!" said Cole, as Ahab exited the room.

"Your Highness, would you not think that this may be an evil plan plotted against you?" inferred Hailmar.

"That could be the case," said Cole, thinking. "I-I don't know what to do, yet. I'll just get something first. I'll be quick."

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