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Hey, y'all! I hope you guys are having a fantazmic day! Here is another one of my trash poems. I hope y'all like it. This one is all mine! I was listening to a song and then there was a verse that I thought would be interesting to make into a poem so here it is!!

Your Best Friend

Your worst enemy

Would be your best friend.

They know everything about you,

Your hopes,

Your dreams,

What scares you,

What makes you mad,

What makes you happy,

And everything that makes you sad.

They could tear you apart,

 Piece by piece,

Till there's nothing left but an empty shell.

There's nothing you could do.

You can't stop them from turning on you at any moment.

You just have to hope that they don't.

When people ask,

'Who would your worst enemy be?'

You then realize,

Your worst enemy

Could be your best friend!

I hope you liked this poem. It's not the best but at least it's something. I really do hope that people actually read this stuff and like it. If you can, could y'all give feedback about the stuff that I post? It would be very helpful!! I love y'all and I hope you have a great day or night!

Question: What is your hobby(s)?

Answer: I love to draw and basically do anything that involves art. I also really like listening to music and writing random things that I could post on here!

Poems I have and just random things to remember!Where stories live. Discover now