Muichiro x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

The pocket watch in my hand ticked away like a dreadful rhythm that I couldn't escape.  Each second that passed, I became a little more nervous as my pace sped up bit by bit.  I was almost home again, the sight of the demon slayer headquarters making me smile softly. 

I slid the pocket watch back into the pocket of my uniform as I took a deep breath to calm myself.  I had to trust that he could take care of himself despite his situation while I was away.  It was hard to not worry though as I briskly walked through the headquarters. 

No one seemed to be around as I stayed focused on my destination but that wasn't surprising considering how late into the night it was.  Everyone was either sleeping or away on a mission.  I didn't care for a homecoming anyways.  All I wanted was to find him safe and sound. 

The manor came into view as I made my way up the pathway and to the door.  Slowly and quietly, I opened the door before slipping inside to find the house dark.  Carefully navigating in the shadows, a flicker of light coming from one of the rooms made me freeze.  What are you doing up so late?  I tiptoed down the hall towards the open door, peeking in with curiosity. 

Smiling softly, I leaned against the door frame to watch Muichiro stare wide eyed at one of my journals.  His gaze carefully gazed over each drawing with awe, his fingers brushing against the pages as he flipped through it slowly.  He was gentle with my artwork, making sure not to crease any pages or smudge the charcoal on the paper.  It filled me with pride seeing him enjoy what I made. 

"I'm home Muichiro," I whispered so as to not scare him.  He turned his gaze from my journal to me slowly, his ocean eyes glazed over and dull.  I waited patiently for his memory to kick in knowing that it would eventually.  I could tell the exact moment he remembered who I was, his eyes clearing as a very faint smile twitched on his lips. 

"There you are, I knew something wasn't right," he mumbled quietly.  I chuckled softly, moving into the room to sit by him.  He instantly leaned against me gently, my hand moving to run through his long hair.  "How long were you gone?" 

I sighed, moving in to place a small kiss on his head lovingly.  He pushed against my side, leaning into my embrace.  I've missed him so much and it made me feel happy to know that, in his own way, he had missed me too.  Muichiro gazed at me, waiting patiently for an answer. 

"A couple of days but you managed pretty well without me it seems," I smiled.  His eyebrows furrowed in distress as he frowned.  I gave him a gentle tug of his hair, making him glare at me.  "It wasn't that long so don't get mad with me." 

"You're not leaving anytime soon, right?" he asked with a pout.  I leaned in to peck his head again, his eyes closing in his own version of bliss.  Pressing my forehead against his, he let out a small hum.  My hand moved from his hair to cup his face gently. 

"As long as you don't have any missions, we have the rest of the week with each other," I promised in a whisper.  He sighed happily.  I pulled back to gaze at Muichiro bathed in the flickering light of the lamp.  "Now what are you doing up so late?  You should be asleep already." 

Muichiro averted his gaze to my journal, my attention catching on my collection of drawings.  With a chuckle, I grabbed the journal to put it in his hands.  He smiled softly before hugging the journal to his chest.  I stood, offering a hand to Muichiro which he took as I hauled him to his feet. 

"I haven't slept very well.  Something didn't feel right," he mumbled shyly, hugging my journal tighter as he looked at the floor.  A smile spread across my face as I wound one of his arms through mine to escort him to bed.  I quickly grabbed the lamp as we moved down the hallway in comfortable silence to the bedroom. 

I placed the lamp upon a small table, the candle inside casting a warm glow in the room.  The sight of the unchanged space made me feel at home.  Muichiro pulled away from my arm to place the journal by his bedside before crawling onto the mattress. 

Watching him throw a blanket over himself, I noticed how uncomfortable he looked.  I made my way over to him, kneeling down to look him in the eyes.  He stared back in confusion, his head tilting slightly in curiosity. 

"How about we do something different tonight?" I offered with a smile.  He looked even more confused but sat up instantly.  Turning away, I walked over to my own bed as I tore off the pillows and blankets that fell into a pile on the ground. 

Muichiro stood behind me to watch as I took the largest blanket and draped it between his bed and mine.  He must've recognized what I was doing as he moved back to his bed to retrieve his pillows and a blanket, standing by to wait for me to give him permission.  Stacking up pillows to reinforce the comfortable structure, I took a few moments to prepare a better alternative than a simple bed.  I stepped back to nod proudly at the makeshift shelter. 

"A pillow fort.  We've done this before right?" Muichiro asked somewhat excitedly.  I gave him a nod, flashing a smile as I took a pillow and blanket before crawling inside.  It took only a moment before Muichiro followed me inside the small space. 

Making a quick bed inside the shelter, I found myself lying on my side with Muichiro in my arms before no time.  His eyes were still wide open before I placed my hand on his head to run through his soft hair.  His eyes closed in comfort, him pushing closer against me. 

It didn't take long before his breathing slowed enough for me to know he had fallen asleep.  With a smile, I felt myself grow tired as well.  The feeling of his warmth against me and the softness of his hair in between my fingers lulled me to sleep pretty quickly.  "Goodnight Muichiro."

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