☆WINNER☆ Like drops in a pond

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Overall Grand Winner of the Holiday contest 2021: Infinity by: ScienceFiction
And genre winner for the WattpadPunkFiction profile.

Prompt 4 - An Infinity of Worlds

So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be."
Alfred Lord Tennyson"


"Just be sure not to lose any of the files I gave you."

"Yes, dad."

"And set your timer, you don't want to miss a window."

"Yes, dad."

"And do you have your-"

"Dad!" I stamp my feet and millions of droplets launch into the air around me. "I know what I have to do, we've been through it a hundred times. Can I go now?"

My father heaves a deep sigh, looks as if he wishes to scold me, but then waves his hand. "Sure, yeah, you'll be fine. Just be home in time for dinner." With that he turns and walks away.

My eyes follow him until the downpour hides his figure and I am alone.

I wish I could look up, the stars always calm me, but tonight none of them are visible. My hands clutch the bag I have to take with me. All my assignments are in there. Twenty-four tonight, one for every half hour I have and a little time to spare. I'd better get started.

The squelching noise my feet make when I walk into the lake startle no one but me. I am completely invisible. Every normal human being is lying in a comfortable bed. Thunder races through my veins, lightning sets my heart in overdrive; I can even feel the nails of my toes that are wrapped in boots and buried in dirt shiver with anticipation.

This is my first mission alone, the first time I am old enough to fulfill this age old task my family is sworn to uphold throughout eternity. We cannot even count back in time how many generations have gone before me and as long as there is family, we will go on forever.

My sister once asked me if I didn't think it daunting, doing the same thing year after year, month after month, week after week. I said no.

The water is up to my chest, soon it will be over my head. Should I open the bag now? I might as well be prepared for the first transference. The clasp opens with ease. It should, it's brand new. My very own bag. It's black, leather like, I chose it myself. Inside are the files, sorted, easy accessible. I reach down, but pause. Perhaps I should wait, my father always waits until the right window is shown. I don't want to mess up my first mission by giving the wrong file to the wrong window. Or is it the right file to the wrong window?

My thoughts are interrupted by a ping that resonates through my helmet. Concentrate!

Around me a swirl appears, like a vortex I'm in the middle of. After a minute it slows down and I am able to see the windows. They're all different, but I know that behind each one, the same person is waiting.

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