Part 14

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Hiiiiii thank you for waiting my exams are over today and I am free so I will try to finish it as soon as possible


Author pov

Everyone enters in mall

Jennie and Taehyung looks pretty unbothered

Suga - let's go to chanel

Jhope - no luive vitton

Jk - balanciga

Lisa - Celine

Rosè- yons

Jimin - yes yons

Jin - I agree yons it's my favorite

Suga - uhh then mine after that okay ?

Jin - we will see come on follow me

Everyone enters in yons

Tae phone rings

Tae - Yes Yuna

Tae - yes I am in mall

Tae - ok come in yons

Yuna pov

What sir is in yons shit sir never visited yons in Korea what If sir won't like it oh my God I need to call manager of yons to behave


Shit he is not picking up

Yuna hurry up sir is in yons come on

Author pov

Jin - ya we are here to shop not to be in calls

Tae Nods

Jisoo - let's start shopping

After 2 hours

Everyone is Still doing their shopping

Tae - How longgg

Jennie- 5 minutes

Tae Nods and thought to rom around yons


Yuna enters the yons in hurry

Yuna enters the yons in hurry

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Yuna look

Guard- you can't enter

Yuna - what excuse me why can't I

Guard- Look at your clothes first then come at yons

Yuna showed her I'd to Gaurd and guard let her in ofcourse how can he now say no to the personal assistant of owner

Yuna showed her I'd to Gaurd and guard let her in ofcourse how can he now say no to the personal assistant of owner

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Sorry forgot to show the mall its here

Jisoo pov

We have bought everything as much I know but Lisa and Rosè and still buying

Me - guys are we done so now let's go to Dior

Jennie- I am done actually

Rosè- same

Namjoon oppa - I am also done from past 43 minutes so now let's go

Jin oppa  - okk let's go jimin jungkook are you done ??

Jikook - yesss

Cat oppa - I am also done

Wait where is Taehyung

Me - umm guys where is taehyung?

They all look confused as no one knows where he is

Jungkook- umm Leave it let's do this thing

Lisa - what ?

Jungkook- let's do rock paper scissors whoever loss will pay

Great idea because always it's Jin oppa or suga oppa so I like the idea

Me - okk I like the idea

Rosè- mee too

Jimin - alr

Lisa - okay now......

Suddenly Taehyung came with blanck face wait why this face??

Jennie- where were you ?

Taehyung- no where just was looking at the shop and I am pretty disappointed

Umm boy it doesn't matter you like or not

Rosè- it doesn't matter if you like it or not it's not your brand

Taehyung- it I..

A girl came running and cut what he was Taehyung was about to speak

Girl - sorry I am late I hope oh wait hello ma'am

That girl bowed at Jennie and Taehyung

Jennie- why are you here ?

Taehyung- yes why ?

Jimin - we can do this later first Rock paper scissors then continue whatever you want to speak with girl

I agree..... we have to pay

We all took out our hands except Jennie and Taehyung

Me - you both too

Tae - ohh

They took at their hands and we did and ofcourse I won and Jennie and Taehyung both lost poor siblings

Jennie- uhhh I hate this game

Taehyung- why are we doing this again

Jungkook- to decide who will pay for everyone

Taehyung- no need to pay come on you guys waste my time

Suddenly Jennie hit Taehyung head

Ok that's funny because he is whining

Jennie- we still have to pay

Suddenly the girl speaks

Girl - umm really it's no need your the owner so it doesn't matter

Jennie and Taehyung nods but wait whattttttt they are what

Jhope hyung- you are WHAT ??

Lisa - Don't shout oppa but seriously are you guys pranking or what

Jennie- why will we prank you we own this brand so who cares and come on we have to go to chanel

Jungkook- you really are

Well I am shocked I can't believe that they are but it's okay I guess

Author pov

They shopped at mall and they enjoyed ofcourse.......

After 6 months

Byeee that's it for now I actually am adding more story ideas in this so ofcourse I can't just tell the idea and ya chapters will be short because story is about to end

That's it byeeee


Did you miss me ??

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