Chapter One: trouble

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Alisdair's POV

   “Sir, Minister O'Connor is on the line,” Estella said. I halted on my step, turning my head to look at her. She had the phone to her ear, her always red lips stretched into the smile that Renzo hates more than he hates commitment. Tilting my head, I silently questioned why he would call. “He called to see if you would reconsider your decision about his company. He wants to meet you one on one. Should I book him an appointment?” Dragging a tired sigh, I turned and continued on my way, silently telling her to tell him no. It's a good thing she understood me well enough, if not, talking would have been a huge problem.

   I pushed my office door open, already expecting him to spin my chair around with a cocky, ass smirk on his face. He smirked at me, rolling my gold pen between his fingers. Sometimes, I wonder why he can't start his day without planting his ass on my chair. He wiggled his black brows at me, teasingly. I rolled my eyes, continuing into my office. “Good morning, brother.” I nodded. I didn't need to entertain his nonsense.

   “You look like crap, what's up? Didn't sleep last night?” His dirty, suggestive smirk would have been amusing if he wasn't pointing it at me. Doesn't he get tired? Elric gave up years ago. “Was she that good?”

   “Ren, get the fuck out of my office. I don't have the energy to deal with you today.” I sighed tiredly. He snorted, throwing the pen into the air and catching it between his fingers.

   “You know a day without seeing me will be hell for you. I'm your morning dose of sunshine and rainbow,” he said proudly. How I wished Rialta was around to smack his face for me. “Starting your day without seeing my face is sure to be tragic for your workers, and you know it, even if you won't admit it. This is why I say you need a random bitch to fuck and wake up beside you. I tell ya, the thrill of dumping their ass is enough to push you through a whole day. Take it from me, I'm a living testimony.” He was right about that part. A day without seeing or hearing from either of my best friends didn't end well. They knew they were my anchor and put a lot of work into frustrating me. I still love them.

   “See! You're smiling!” He squealed. I shook my head, taking my suit jacket off. I threw the jacket on his face, making sure it smacked him hard enough. He frantically pulled it off with a huff and threw a dirty glare my way. I chuckled, tapping the table and telling him to stand up. “Don't do that silent thing with me, you know I hate that fuck. Use your words, bastard.”

   “Ren, get out of my office and go back to work, please. I have a long, tiring day ahead of me and you're wasting my time. And where's Elric? I expected him to be here today.”

   “Dick got a hole to fuck at the party last night and ditched me. My bitch stole my wallet and gold wristwatch." He pouted rather childishly. I would have rolled my eyes if I wasn't too tired.

   “You run a mafia organization, Ren, and you're the fucking alpha king, find her yourself.” I said blatantly. He scoffed. For a guy who ran an underground illegal business and ruled an entire species, he sure knew how to dump all his work on me. And why I do it is what I was yet to figure out. He was succeeding in wasting my time. “Now get your cheap-ass off my expensive chair, Mr. Gatlin, I have work to do. And tell Elric that he better not forget to be there to witness my death, or I'll make sure to hand his ass out to Rialta.” I threatened while pushing him out of my chair. He lazily let me push him and staggered away like a drunkard.

   “Where's my threat?” I cocked a brow at him. I didn't need to invite him. As long as music, drinks and a good possibility of sex is involved, he won't fail to attend. That's the only thing he does with his life. The only difference between both our miserable lives is that he enjoys his, I don't. “What will you do if I don't show up?”

   “I'll take you to a hospital to have your head checked because then, something will definitely be wrong with you. Renzo, get out before I ring Rialta.”

   “Do you think I'm afraid of that witch?” he snorted mockingly. Smirking, I pulled out my phone to call her. His eyes widened with horror and within ten seconds, he was gone. With a small laugh, I dropped myself on my chair and got ready to begin for the day.


   “I swear to God, Renzo, when I get my hands on you, I'll detach your head from your neck with my hands! I'm going to end you for good!” I screamed into my phone. The motherfucking bastard stole my helicopter, so I had no choice than to use my car because I was running late for a meeting. Unfortunately, I was stuck in traffic. I never had to face traffic when I had my helicopter. That boy needs a good beating.

   Ren yawned, bored. “Are you done? I'm tired of sleeping.”

   “Just wait until I get my hands on you, little cock. You'll see what will end you!” He burst into laughter. I angrily hung up, throwing my phone on the seat with rage. It irked me how he always did things like this to annoy me, knowing I will do nothing to him. He was pushing me. He knew I had an important meeting to attend to and always used my helicopter to get to places that are important, but he still took it. And how didn't I know about this one time? I need to cut his privilege before he kills me.

   “Move this goddamn car, Pablo!” I screamed, giving the front seat a kick. The driver wisely kept his mouth shut. Growling in total annoyance, I looked out of the window. A lady ran out of the ice cream shop, laughing loudly and freely.

   The unquenchable rage brewing in me disappeared quicker than it came as I found myself gaping at the glowing woman. Like literally, her hair was glowing as the sunlight kissed it. It gave off a vermilion and somehow golden glow, extending to her beautiful skin. I wasn't sure what skin color she had because the glow made it look brighter than usual and somehow like her hair color. It was odd, and beautiful.

She is beautiful.

   Her violet eyes glimmered with mischief and happiness as she laughed, before she turned to look at another frowning lady that walked out. Somehow, she felt like the opposite of the glowing lady. Having no glow to her black hair or glimmer in her light gray eyes, but having a certain enchantment to her beauty. Something about both ladies rang a bell, but my eyes found their way back to the glowing girl. She was who called out to me the most. The one whose smile was melting away my anger.

She's perfect.

   I wasn't the only one staring at them, I could tell that much. But I was more focused on the woman dramatically making gestures and teasing her friend. A sudden rush of jealousy overwhelmed me. No one except me should be looking at her. No one but me can have her. She's supposed to be mine.

   Shocked by my own possessive thought, I stared at her, astounded. My heart hammered against my chest, forcing my gaze to lower to my chest. Why was it beating so fast? A faint inch in my head drew my attention from my chest to my mind. I arched a brow as the mental barrier he put up dropped entirely. I thought he wasn't talking to me?

   “What do you think you are doing, Alis, don't miss her! That's our mate!” His scream made me choke on my saliva, breaking into a violent bout of coughing. Not only did his words shock me, but the fact that I actually had a mate. It couldn't be, I would have perceived her scent already, right? “Wrong. You have forgotten that with you, everything is always different. That woman is our mate, Alis, go get her!”

No! No! No! This can't be happening, I can't have a mate. I made sure of that!

   “Alisdair, go after her, she's getting away!” But I didn't. The admiration I felt a while ago was replaced with scorn as I watched the woman sway her hips away, laughing as her friend complained behind her. This can't be happening, this shouldn't be happening and I'll avoid that woman whose name should be trouble. I don't know what went wrong, but I will never accept that woman or any other, as my mate.

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