Chapter Thirteen: What do you want from me?

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Elric's POV

   My heart pounded in my chest as I grew closer to her apartment door. Her scent was a powerful toxic trail, pulling me closer to her, even if I knew she wouldn't want anything to do with me. I had to find her, I needed to meet her in person and hold her, even if she'll end up wounding me. My beast wanted to know why. She knew that rejecting us wasn't possible, lycans mate for life. However, we would respect her decision if she can give me one valuable and good enough reason. If she can, no matter how much it would kill me, I will convince my beast to let her be. But can I convince myself to?

   I'd suffered so many heartbreaks and still hoped and believed my soulmate would come and fix me. I believed that she would be the only woman aside from my relatives who would love me like there is no tomorrow. I believed in the magic of the mate bond and the blessings of my chi, but it failed me. I got the worst punishment anyone could ever serve. My hopes and dreams were vanishing before my very eyes. All I wanted was to continue my career with a woman that would love and cherish me, carry my children and share in my happily-ever-after, but each day proved that my dreams were simply childish. How did I end up being so soft? Why couldn't I be as strong as Renzo? Even Rialta as a woman is stronger.

   I wiped off the beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I stared at her apartment door. I could hear her humming as she walked about, and I could hear her perfectly calm heartbeat. Didn't she feel bad for what she did to me? Isn't she shaken by the mate bond? Should I show myself and risk getting rejected again? What am I going to do?

   While still lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear her approaching the door until she pulled it open. The sudden appearance made me jerk a bit, but I composed myself and offered her a nervous smile. My hand instinctively reached for the back of my neck as the other gathered the fabric of my jeans into my fisted palm. She stared at me, her lips pressed into a thin line, and her cold gray eyes focused on my face. The cold, deadly aura coming from her felt like the time I encountered the spirit of death, and her eyes were like looking into the eyes of a dark beast I once defeated. It was nerve-wracking.

   I remained standing in silence, squeezing my jeans and scratching the back of my neck. All the words I rehearsed were long forgotten and my voice varnished. I hated when I felt that way; nervous and helpless, which only happens when it concerns the woman I fall in love with. I hadn't fallen in love with her, but I could already feel the weight of her power over me, compressing and bending me to her will. And the most hopeless thing about it was that I would do nothing to stop her. I am her slave and even if she discards me, I would always run back crawling on my knees. At that moment, memories of all the times I'd crawled after the woman I fell in love with, flashed in my mind. They treated me so awfully from the very beginning, and it took plenty of hits from both my cousins before I could let go, that's if they didn't dump me first. Undoubtedly, my mate was bound to be the cruelest of them all.

Is this my destiny?

   I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt sparks jolting through my veins, from my right wrist. I looked at my hand to see her feminine fingers wrapped around my wrist and pulling me along. That's when I noticed I was inside her house and approaching her kitchen. I stared at her back as she led the way, her straight and unbelievably black hair spread over her back and grazing her ass. That was also when I noticed she was wearing skimpy shorts and a sports bra. My beast was right to gulp.

   When she got to the kitchen, she made me sit on a stool by the kitchen island and walked over to the fridge. I watched how perfectly her hips swayed and noted every detail of her beautiful porcelain skin exposed to my eyes. She had a tattoo of a black rose on her neck, with the stem curling down to her arm. I noted the beauty mark on her elbow, forearm, and the back of her left index finger. She also had two at the back of her waist, next to the tattoo of a glaring black panther, and another at the back of her right thigh. I wondered how many beauty marks she had all over her body.

   “Have you gotten anything to eat since that day?” I felt a small shiver rock my body from the sound of her voice. There was something about her voice that was pleasant, yet cold enough to cut through ice and spread goosebumps. It was strange. Her voice was enticing, and addictive yet held death beneath it. I'd never heard anything like it before. There was a mystery behind it… she was a whole mystery. “Elric, please pay less attention to the natural enchantment in my voice and listen to me.” Enchantment?

   “Not much,” I replied, returning my gaze to her body since I zoned out. Leila nodded, opened the fridge, and cocked her hips. Damn, her thighs were fresh and smooth. She had another tattoo on her left thigh. I couldn't see what it was, but I hoped to get a better look at it one day. Probably after I did because she will never let that happen.

   “Hmm, would you like cake or lasagna for breakfast? Or should I make you something to eat?” She looked at me over my shoulder, and I swear I thought I saw death flash in front of my eyes again. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, feeling that same shiver again. “Never mind then, I'll make you something to eat. I haven't cooked in a while. What would you say to a quick and easy spaghetti bolognese, or would you prefer a spaghetti pudding or meatloaf spaghetti? Or would you prefer something faster like an omelet sandwich or scrambled egg toast?”

   “Why?” I blurted out, even before I registered what I was saying. I opened my eyes and inhaled deeply when I saw her looking at me thoughtfully. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.

   “Ya think!” My beast, Frodo, exclaimed. “Stop calling me that!”

   Leila shook her head, making her hair bounce a bit. She surprisingly smiled and shrugged, making my heart skip three beats. She was beautiful, even with a half smile. “Hope you're hungry because I'm preparing everything and you will finish it.” She turned, her hair sweeping the air and sending her violet and wild rose, intoxicating scent gushing into my nostrils. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace her presence brought, and the delirious bliss of her scent, knowing it was the closest I'd ever get to her.

   Leila turned on some music and started cooking while I watched at first, praying that she doesn't snap out of whatever possessed her. When her breakfast feast was ready, she surprisingly sat next to me. I nervously tried to eat while she watched me meticulously. Maybe the mate bond finally got to her, or maybe she was waiting for me to relax before she broke my heart again. I wasn't certain, but I tried to eat in silence. It wasn't easy with her death stare and icy aura spreading goosebumps all over my skin.

   I was taking a big gulp of juice when I felt a sudden cold on my thigh as if an ice pack was dumped on my bare skin. The cold spread like an odd stingy but delightful tingle, traveling straight to my cock. I choked on the juice, spitting out the one in my mouth in the process. It didn't take me more than three seconds to realize it was Leila's hand. “Sorry,” she chuckled, amusement spilling out of her voice. Dammit! “I'm confusing you, aren't I?” Frodo whimpered as she slipped her hand away, and before I could stop myself, I grabbed her retreating hand and placed it back on my thigh. I took in a sharp breath when the cold tingles repeated themselves and traveled to my cock, again. “Are you alright?” She asked with concern. Why is she being like this all of a sudden? I stood up abruptly and backed away from her, something wasn't right.

   “I expected you to chase me away, reject me all over again but instead, you made me breakfast and are showing concern for me? Why? What do you want from me?”


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