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Alexander POV>>

I make my way towards my friend, before pulling Latia away from Sam who was getting way too close, much to my liking, I mean hugging her like his life depends on it which I definitely not like it.

As I pulled her to me, she collided on my hard chest and look up at me with her big duo eyes . I held her tightly by my side and I saw a tint of redness in her cheeks. Damn!! she is fucking beautiful and her lips, I want to capture those lips again. But before I could lose control, I turn away to my friend who is grinning away and I gave him a glare.

"chill dude, she is all yours, you don't need to go all caveman, now,"Sam said playfully,"I was just giving her a welcome hug as a new member of the family ."

He approach me and gave me a side hug since Latia was still standing by my other side.

"alright,alright, just go on and talk with dad, he wants to see you earlier,"I said and look down at her and her cheeks are red.

"oh so now, you want to chase me away, your best friend since you got her, hmm... Not fair,"he whine but before I could say anything, Ray drops in and gave him a smack on his head.

"stupid, go, uncle wants to see you now,"he said and gave me a side hug again. I felt Latia trying to wriggle out from my hold as we hug but I didn't let her instead I held her waist tightly.

After pulling away, he said a polite hello to Latia and gave a nod and Latia, replied with a whisper hello.

He then turn his attention to Sam and pulled him away from us. As I watch them leaving, I felt her moving under my hold again, I look down and she was trying to wriggle out,"Xan,please let me go,"she said as she try freeing herself.

I release her from my hold and she look up,her face still has the tint, "umm, I should g...o and hel..p mom,"she said nervously as she tuck her hair behind her ear and make her way towards the kitchen. I watch her until she disappears behind the door.

"get hold of yourself...,"I muttered to myself before making my way towards the study room.

As I enter the room, the room was silent, I just walk in and took my seat on the couch,"so Alex, I heard you flying to Washington soon for Miller's contract?,"Ray asked as he sip on his drink.

"yes,Monday, I'll be flying there,"I replied as I adjust my watch,to which he just nodded.

"Also Alex, how is the meeting with Tim and Co. hope it went smoothly or they created a confusion with the contract again like last time,"dad asked as he sip on his scotch.

I fill my glass with whiskey and replied,"no dad, they did try to outsmart me with the contract again but it didn't went as they had planned cause we caught them before they could proceed any further and as far as the signing of the contract, I got the 75% share of the company,"dad  nodded with a satisfying smile on his face.

I took a sip of my whiskey as dad talks with Ray about some upcoming contracts. And that's when I realize that Sam was missing,"where is Sam?",I asked in between their discussion.

They both stop their discussion and turn at me,"he came in for a second before going who knows where",Ray replied.

I nodded and drank the whiskey at one shot,"I am leaving for work now,"I said and without waiting for their replies I walk out from the study.

I make my way to the kitchen to inform about my leave but what I saw infornt of me made me furious. I march towards them before pushing away Sam and Charlie from Latia as I pulled Latia and make my way to my old room.

I heard mom and Cassandra calling out for me from behind but I just walk away pulling her with me.

Upon reaching my room, I close the door and push her against the wall, caging her between me and the wall "Xan, what happ..en... Why di...d you bring m..e here,"she asked nervously looking into my eyes.

I kept on staring at her without answering,"Xan...,"she called me out and that's my final que and my lips crush on her. I resisted myself before from capturing her lips but I couldn't anymore after seeing Sam and Charlie being too close with her. I kissed her roughly which let out a soft moan from her and that made me hard down there. I felt her tuck on my blazer's lapel as I bit her lower lips before plunging my tongue in her mouth.

I swirl my tongue in her mouth getting a sweet like a strawberry candy taste,I suck on her tongue and she let out a moan, "mmm,"I rest my left hand behind her neck and kiss her deeply. I move from her lips to her jaw pestering kisses there and move down to her neck again, now I can see the faint marks I left last night on her neck and a smile appeared on my lips.

I lift up my head and whisper in her ear,"I have been craving to kiss you ever since you walked in this morning,"I bit her ear softly making her shiver. I pulled away from her and stare at her and she was flushed again with her swallow lips.

A smile form on my lips looking at her state right now. I want to do so much to her now but I have to control myself,"and I want those makeup out when we return home",I demand and she just nodded her head as she bite her lips.

Fuck!! I am so hard.

I pull out her lips from between her teeth,"don't bite your lips,"I said before pecking her lips again,"cause they are mine to bite,"and I burry my head  in her neck again, I felt her grabbing the lapel of my blazer tightly as I kiss the marks.

"Mmm....Xan,"she let out a soft moan as I kiss her neck, I pull down her sweater together with her dress sleeve and place kisses on her left shoulder on the red and bluish marks.
"mmm....,"her soft moans are like music to my ears.

As I was kissing her ,I could hear my phone ringing but I didn't care and I proceed to suck on her shoulder, making the already red and bluish marks darker as well as placing new marks as well..., "Xan that hurts mmm...",she moans out softly.

I pulled her more towards me, now her soft delicate body collided with my hard body and as I was about to pull down her dress my phone rang again for the fourth time so I pulled away from her neck and look at her, she was breathing heavily with her red cheeks. I smiled and answer the call but still holding her and keeping my eyes on her.

"speak,"I bark at the caller,it was my assistant reminding me about the meeting which is in about an hour,which I totally forgot. I couldn't quiet get what she was saying since my mind and eyes is on the beauty in front of me.

"alright, I'll be there,"I said and hung up. I put away my phone and crash my lips on hers,again,making her let out a soft moan, dam her lips are so irresistible, I want to keep on kissing her. I plung my tongue in her mouth and suck her tongue,"mmm...",she keep on moaning as I suck and ravage her mouth but with so much restraint I pull away from her.

I look at her and she is trying to catch her breath,I rub her left tint cheek with my thumb and lift her head ,so now, she is looking into my eyes ,"I don't want you to be around any men other then my father and Ray, got it,"I asked firmly and she just nodded her head shyly.

My eyes then fell on her swallowen lips,"fuck,"I curse and brush her lips with my thumb before pulling away from her. I adjusted her dress sleeve and pull up her sweater,"I have to go now, I'll see you at home,"I said and she nodded with a 'yes',I place a kiss on her forehead and walk out.

I came down and inform mom about my leaving. I jumped inside the car since my driver was already outside and drove away. I adjusted my pants feeling uncomfortable down there still. I rub my forehead and look down  at my erection.

Fuck!!! I am still hard, Latia what are you doing to me?


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