Chapter 1: Intro

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This is only the beginning. 


Welcome to Nothing World, an empty, white void full of nothing.

Well, except for 3 people.

Selever, Rasazy, and Julius woke up with only basic knowledge of themselves, Like Selever and Rasazy being the Children of Sarvente and Ruvyzvat, And Julius being the male version of Dokkiedoodlez, their creator. As time went on, they learned about their powers and the Canon world, but they cannot enter it. All they can do is sit and wait in Nothing World, hoping one they they can finally be canon, and live a happy life.


"Ewww this is why we should've watched Shama AU first-"


Selever and Rasazy were watching The high school AU through a portal. In this universe,  their parents are in high school. (As the name says.)

*HS AU pov*

"Uhhh...Will you go out with me!?" Ruv sreamed. He covered his mouth, embarrassed and angry at himself for blurting it out suddenly.

"What!?" Sarv was shocked. This was unexpected for her, and a bit weird, considering the fact that he just went out from the bathroom.

"OH GOD! WAIT IM SORRY IT JUST CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH-" He cut himself off, burning red and too embarrassed to speak another word. Sarv laughed. "You look cute when you're embarrsassed-" " UGHHH SHUT UP! AHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Sarv went up to Ruv and grabbbed his face. "You're stupid, y'know?" "wait wha-" They suddenly kiss.

*Back to Sel and Ras*

"YES! THEY FINALLY KISSED!" Rasazy screams with joy. "Ewww im gonna puke-" Selever says while gagging. "You're over reacting brother. Besides, we can watch the Shama AU now." "Uhhh no thanks, I need a break after that *ahem* disgusting... thing.." He runs far away to open a portal to a dumpster to puke. "Ok fine... im gonna read a book."

"Yooooo Selever my beloved, what are you doing?~" Says Julius happily. "AHHHHHHHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME!" Selever runs away but Julius is catching up to him. "Sel~ why are you running from me?" "RASAZY!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME THIS WILD ANIMAL IS CHASING ME HELP HELP HELP AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rasazy looks up from her book. "It's your problem, not mine. So no, I won't." She continues reading. Selever puts a shield around himself. "PLEASE GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DOG!" He screams. "Why are you scared of me Sel? im not gonna hurt you." Julius pleads. "CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE I NEED TO-" Selever pukes but opens a portal to the dumpster fast enough. "Puke... NOW LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE! Stupid idiot..."  Julius sighs"Ok..." He walks away.

After he was far enough from Julius, Selever teleports back to Rasazy. "Hey Ras, im ready to watch with you now! I finally got Julius away from me lol." Rasazy closes her book. "Finally, now we can watch it." The two spent the rest of their time watching the Shama AU together.

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