Chapter 2: A phone?

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I wonder where it came from.


"HEY GUYS! CHECK THIS OUT!" Julius runs over to Selever and Rasazy, who are still watching the Shama AU. "Dude... didn't I tell you to leave me alone- WAIT HOW DID YOU GET THAT!?!?!?" Selever takes the thing out of Julius' hand. 

"A phone... how did you get one?" Rasazy asks, curious. "Well, I found it floating in the air while I was walking so I took it."  "WHAT!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!!!!?!?" Selever cuts their conversation. "What did you find brother?" "I-IT *breAthS* IT HAS INTERNET!!!!! IT WORKS!"

"Can you find out what universe it comes from?" Rasazy asked. "Let's see uhhh...... from... Universe 001? the original... WHAT WE'RE FICTIONAL HERE?!?!?!!!?!!? All of us are just from a video game mod..." Selever faints. "OMG SEL WAKE UP PLEASE DON'T DIE ON ME!!!!!!" Julius cries. "YOU IDIOT!" He wakes up. "WE'RE IMMORTAL!" "Oh, I forgor lol. 💀" The two start arguing. "Hey guys, since we're fictional in that universe, why can't we search things about us? Also, please stop fighting. You two look stupid."  "Ughhhh fineee." The two of them stop.

They start searching up "Sarvente and Ruvyzvat" and to their surprise, they found many, many ship art about them. "*sigh* I wish mom and dad can be like this in the canon universe..." Rasazy says. "Well they can be canon, IF ONLY DAD WASN'T A FREAKING PUSSY! IF HE LIKES HER WHY CAN'T HE ASK HER OUT OR SOMETHING! *Incoherent mumbling*" Selever pouts.

Next, they searched up "Selever, Rasazy, and Julius." they found cute art, but some of them were... weird. "AYO WHY THE HECK AM I KISSING JULIUS???!?!?!?!" Selever tries not to puke. "I wish he would actually kiss me. :((((( What a cruel world we live in! *fake crying*" "Bro shut up you idiot biAtch!-" "Guys..." Rasazy interrupted. "Why am I being shipped with you two?... what is wrong with these people..." "EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Selever and Julius scream in unison. "Also who is Sky and why is she being shipped with you?" "LOOK IDK WHO SHE IS MAN BUT ME BEING SHIPPED WITH YOU AND UGLY ANIMAL??? *pukes on the floor*" 

After witnessing very cursed photos, the two decide to watch Mid fight masses gameplay. "Wow! Dad is featured in this Youtube video!!!" Rasazy says with excitement. " Huh... Ruv! Harder title... Lol y'know that's what mom says to dad in the bed-" PUNCH! "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFF! LMAO!" Julius laughs. "No. Talking.  About. It." She glares at her brother. "Lol imaging getting punched by your-" "SHUT UP MOTHERF-  Crap..." The two boys back away. "NO. SWEARING!" Rasazy's eyes begin to glow red and blue. "OH SHOOT-  RUN!!!!" 

Selever and Julius run away from Rasazy but she eventually catches up to them.

Man I feel bad-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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