Reliving the past [Pt.3]

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Denki pov:

"Uuuhhhgggg!" I yell while sitting on the common rooms couch with everyone else.

"Whats wrong Kami?" Mina asks.

"Nothings wrong! And that's the problem!!" I yell complaining.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't everything be find instead of wrong?"
Shinsou asks.

"Well that, my beautiful companion is what you'll never know, hopefully."

I say with a sad look on my face.

"Y'know in a war,  you already know you'll never win no matter what, your always expecting the unexpected and bad things, so I'm just used to never having a break from it, no matter if it's hero's or villains. It was all anarchy."

I explain looking at them all gauging their expressions.

"Dang, that's sad Kami." Mina says.

"Yea I know.. But least everyones not dead or killing themselves orrr a druggie Orrrr killing people orrrr making people kill each other for entertainment.. Yea shit was crazy... Ducked up.. Just like how you're all here again and I'm not trying to kill myself, especially since I now get a chance to save us.. At least I don't have to see any of you dead hanging yourselves or murdered.. I've watched every single one of your deaths and.. It's hard to think you're all here still.. Not hanging on a tree or with a bullet in your head..


Someone say something or I'm literally gonna go insane! "

"Dude that's terrible... How did that even happen so fast?" Sero asks

"Well terrible people want terrible things to happen and they want that as fast as it can happen.. So yea.."

"If you don't mine my asking.. But how did we all die? Sorry if me asking makes you uncomfortable.."  Yaoyoozu asks

"Yea that's fine YaMomo.. Who wants to know how they died first? Come on don't be shy~."

"Kaminari this is not a joking matter!" Iida says

"Yes I know Iida, so I'll do you first.. Hmm let's see let me grab all the pieces and pice them together real quick.... Ok so it was a situation kinda like suicide by police thing. You wanted to die badly because of all the shit going on.. So as we were fighting you were grabbed by a villain who name I don't remember and well.. He slit your throat after you pleaded for him to just get it over with an kill you.. Yea that's it.."


"Ok who wants to go next?"

I look over the room looking at everyone

"Ok so YaMomo wanna go next?" I ask

She looks at me nervous and sad but curious as well.

"Um sure. Yes."

"Ok sssooo you died from over using your quirk and all the while being hit with objects flying around.. Those bitches took your body and raped you in front of everyone while you couldn't even do anything.. Couldn't even cry couldn't even move couldn't do anything, lucky I killed them. It was the first time I've killed someone but they had to die or someone would have the same fate.. And also after I killed them I restarted their hearts to make them relive their deaths again and again and again over and over.."

"How many times did you make them relive it?" Yaoyoozu asks

"Um kinda lost count after the 50th? 80th time? I'm not sure. It was very satisfying I get why villains kill those who've wronged them." I respond.

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