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"We're here in Brooklyn, New York with the one, the only, Mr. Harry Styles!" James says excitedly as he points to me.

I smile brightly and take my sunglasses off.

James turns back to the camera and starts explaining further. "We have three hours, three-hundred dollars to shoot a music video for a song on Harry's new album." I don't do much, I just sit and listen as James continues explaining what's going on.

"Now, we have no locations, we don't know what we're doing, we don't know where we're shooting it, but we're gonna give it our best try. I've never directed a music video before, are you trusting me with this?" James asks me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah.." I say hesitantly, a smile growing on my face. This causes James to laugh and pat my shoulder.

"Well let's knock on some doors and see if some people will give up their homes to make a music video. Let's have a look, okay," James explains quickly before he starts walking off.

"Hello, how are you?" James says to a woman looking out her window.

"I'm doing well," she replies.

"What are you doing today?" James asks.

"I'm about to head out for the day," the woman answers.

"You're not home at all?" James asks to be clear.

"No," the woman shakes her head.

"Okay, no worries, we'll keep moving," James says as he continues walking.

The woman shouts her apologies as we move on to find another place.

We find a place where we see lights on so we go up and ring the doorbell. A woman who introduces herself as Verginia answers the door and looks very confused. James explains what's going on and the woman politely says no, sending us on our way.

We move on to the next apartment complex and press the intercom button. "Hello?" someone speaks.

James looks panicked for a second before he shouts, "pizza delivery!"

We get into the apartments and make our way up the many stairs. James tells me to hide so I stand in the corner where you can't see me from inside the room.

James knocks on the door and the person who answers sounds very excited to see him. It sounds like more people join as James introduces himself and explains what's going on.

When James is finished, he pulls me into view.

The three boys there look very excited to see me. They're all very good-looking guys, but one in particular stands out to me. He looks so familiar.

He has fethery brown hair hanging over his forehead. He has these bright blue eyes that seemed to light up when they landed on me. He has a button nose with a smile that makes me think of a hedgehog. He has a bit of a stubble and I can only think one thing. He's beautiful.

He's wearing a grey tank-top paired with a pair of black sweatpants. The outfit is tied together with a pair of blue and green socks. They look like fuzzy socks as well.

We wait a moment for them all to calm down and I introduce myself.

When we get invited in, James starts talking about everything we need to film the video. The four boys give us a tour of the apartment and James starts listing off ideas.

I try to help, but I find it difficult to focus with the blue-eyed boy looking at me. I don't understand. I mean, I've met many people, even celebrities, before. Why is this one  fan making it so difficult for me to focus?


When a knock sounds on the door, the first thing I heard was Liam shout, "Not it!"

"I'm still doing my hair!" Zayn shouts back.

"Louis!" They both shout in unison.

I roll my eyes as I pause the tv and stand up from the couch. I was in the middle of an intense scene of The Vampire Diaries, and I'm pretty sure Damon is about to kill Tyler.

Anyway, I drag my socked feet on the floor as I walk towards the door. When I open it, I let out a surprised shout because James Corden is standing at my door. Liam and Zayn must have heard my shout because they soon joined me at the door. I don't listen to much that James says because I'm still freaking out that he's here.

Soon though, He pulls Harry freaking Styles to him and I am this close to losing my shit. We call kind of freak out a bit. I do a bit more than Zayn and Liam but that might be because I've had a crush on this kid since I met him on x-factor.

It wasn't like we kept in touch, obviously. I didn't even audition. I was signed up, I got scared and ran to the bathroom, Harry was in there -he was brushing his teeth and accidentally spit on me.

"Oops," he said softly.

"Hi," I had replied.

He had been nervous. I could tell. We sat in the bathroom and talked until Harry's name was called. We went out together and he got ready to go on stage. I nearly cried when I heard his voice. It was so pretty.

I ended up chucking up my breakfast from that morning and didn't go on. I went home without talking to Harry again.

I snap out of my thoughts and notice Harry is looking at me. A small part of me wonders if he remembers me. I know that's unrealistic, though.

James and Harry come in and then we introduce ourselves.

When Harry turns to shake my hand and ask my name, I almost choke on my breath. He's so pretty up close.

"And your name?" He asks me.

"Louis," I say. Part of me wants to believe that the look that flashes across his is recognition. Maybe he remembers me. But it's gone even quicker than it had come.


I'm writing ch1 now so lmk if you tho k I should continue this story😚😚


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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