Chapter 3

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"You don't know what you're talking about." Chip said, his voice tinged with anger. "Donaldson is the best candidate for Mayor by far. Your argument is flawed as usual." 

Chip's hand balled into a fist as it rested near the stem of his wine glass. In contrast to the calm muted sounds of the oak paneled dining room, his voice sounded exceptionally agitated this evening. Lately, it seemed Chip's temper could be ignited faster than a match to gasoline. "Dammit. You don't need to speak to me that way. I'm your girlfriend, Chip, not just your employee. I deserve a little more respect, I think." I knew it came out a little harsh, but the only thing "usual" about me was how my smart mouth sometimes got me in trouble with my boyfriend. But lately, his moods were so changeable and his anger seemed out of proportion to the topic. His erratic responses had been wearing on me and I finally snapped. I looked down at the waiter's polished black shoes pressing into the plush burgundy carpet as he walked past our table, not wanting to apologize for my language, but feeling guilty for keeping quiet. 

Chip and I had driven into the nearby capitol city for an elegant dinner at one of the top restaurants in downtown. Chip was the kind of guy who liked to take me to public places and show me off. It was important for him to be seen driving a Corvette, dining in high-end restaurants, tipping big, and living large. I knew he did it to build his ego and make other people envious. Not that I was naïve, I was also aware that I was pretty enough to one day be the kind of wife he wanted. Then, I could move up in the world, be Mrs. Chip Harrison, wife of one of the leaders in this town. It was a huge step up from being his stinking secretary, the only happiness I would ever find in this tiny Iowa town. 

I worked hard to keep my body in great shape and have my nails manicured weekly. I'd spent hours and tons of money coloring my hair, using expensive conditioners, and curling it until it was long and flowing, like a sexy fashion model. I'd even gone so far as to have my delicate lady hairs painfully ripped from my skin on a regular basis just to please him. Years ago, when I saw the potential for our relationship turning serious, I launched into an all-out effort to make Chip proud of me. I was in love with him and it seemed we were on the right track to marriage... until this moment, when I began to wonder if the whole affair would be derailed by Chip's behavior. But instead of getting off the subject of politics and getting off my case, his belligerence continued. 

"My family backs the Republican candidate no matter what. End of story. Republicans are always the best, fiscally speaking and otherwise. You'd understand these things if you'd gone to college." 

I froze as he tossed my lack of advanced education into my face again. I held my breath, willing myself to remain calm. "And you think because I favor the Democratic candidate—a person over a party—that gives you the right to insult me?" I blew out an exasperated breath. "You're so arrogant." Now we were in a full-blown argument and it seemed to have shifted from talking politics to taking jabs at me and my lack of intelligence. Maybe my lack of acuity was really about me not noticing how Chip allowed his quest for power to invade every aspect of his life, even his love life. We had been in a relationship for four years now. I had been turning a blind eye to his poor behavior, thinking it was brought on by work related stress, but in the last month or two it seemed to have escalated. 

"I'm not insulting you. I'm pointing out the flaws in your arguments. You'd be more powerful if you were like me. Why do you think I have the best insurance company in the game in Granger? Life isn't all about fashion or being captain of the cheerleading squad, Lauren. That may have been your claim to fame in high school, but I moved on and I didn't get here by rolling over and letting people take advantage of me. I live like there's no tomorrow... because there isn't one. Take everything you can in life today because it might all be gone tomorrow. That's my motto." 

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