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The next day at school, Ryu walked down the halls. She was excited when Jimin texted and said to meet at the dance studio.

She ran down the hall and nearly fell but found the dance studio before she got hurt.

" Jimin! You're here "

The girl smiled and offered a hug but Jimin declined.

" I heard you love to dance. How about we have a battle? "

" Sure "

" We have an outfit for you in the changing room "

" Okay "

Ryu left to change while the other kids laughed at her. Jimin smiled, she'll be so embarrassed that she'll have to leave school.

" I'm done "

The walked into the room, dressed as a duckling. The other girls tried their best not to laugh.

" Nice outfit, Jimin. You look really pretty "

" I don't look pretty. I am pretty! "

The girl said, smirking as two girls walked into the changing room and took Ryu's bag away while they filmed her dancing in a duck outfit.

The bell rang, their first class was gonna start. Jimin told Ryu to go change and they'll meet up at the door.

The girl nodded and went to change. Jimin and her friends waited for her to get in before turning off the lights and locked the door.

Ryu yelped and begged that it was a joke. She walked her way through the dark but stumbled over one of the benches and sprained her ankle.

Luckily, she could get up but hopped to the door. When she tried to turn the door, it didn't budge.

She began to feel a panic attack coming. It's okay, we're okay. We can just call the others and tell them that we got stuck.

She said in her head but when she tried to look for her bag, it was gone. She panicked and began to bang on the door.

" Help!! I'm stuck in here!! Help!! Please!! Jimin!! Girls!! Anyone!! Help!! "

Ryu cried when no one heard her and then passed out.

Minutes later

" Hello? Girl? Are you okay? "

The nurse called out to her as she opened her eyes slowly. Ryu blinked and realised she was in the infirmary.

The nurse helped her to sit up and handed her a glass of water. Ryu thanked her and took a sip before asking who had brought her.

" That person told me that they can't be told or your mother might have their neck "

" What does that mean? "

" I'm not sure but I'm glad to see you again, Ryu "

" You are? "

" Nurse Chaewon, Kim Chaewon "

" I'm sorry but it doesn't ring a bell "

Ryu apologised but Chaewon just smiled as she pulled out a picture of them together.

Then it sparked her memory. Doing so, she hugged Chaewon tight.

" I can't believe I didn't recognise you, Nurse Chaewon "

" It's okay, I read in your medical records that you had a slight memory loss "

" Yeah, I've recovered them bit by bit but there's this one picture in my head that's still a question "

" Could I ask what it is? "

" I don't remember but I remember being in a photo with 2 other girls and 2 boys. I also remember having a slight crush on one of the boys "

" I see "

Chaewon could only smile sadly. Nearly all the students in Violet Academy could tell that Ryu and Yejun liked each other but themselves.

Even the teachers could figure it out but sadly, due to all the incidents, Ryu forgot about it and it broke everyone.

Chaewon let Ryu head back to class. The girl walked out as she thanked the lady.

She walked down the hall and spotted Jimin and the girls. She ran over with a big smile and greeted them brightly.

" Jimin!! Thank you for saving me!! I promise I'll never tell my mother what happened "

They laughed and looked at her as if she was a joke. Jimin pushed Ryu to the floor and poured a bottle of water on her.

" Who would save a sick idiot like you? HAHAHAHAHAH! Boeun would love to see you like this "

Boeun?-! The name triggered a memory in her. Ryu began to shake and scream as the other kids looked at her and filmed her.

She begged them to stop filming and go away but they started to laugh at her. Before she could do anything stupid, two kids walked by and helped her up.

They took her to the office and helped her to report the kids. Mrs. Kwon questioned the two other kids while Ms. Chaeyeon helped Ryu to calm down.

Ms. Chaeyeon was the school's dance teacher also known as Ryu's favourite teacher and Ms. Sakura who was Ryu's favourite homeroom teacher.

" Chaeyeon, is she getting better? "

" Yes, unnie. She's well but she's a little tired. Minhyung, helped me to carry her to my office "

" Okay, miss "

Minhyung turned his back to the girl, offering a piggyback. Ryu was hesitant but got on, making herself as weightless as she could.

" You don't have to do that, you weigh perfectly fine "

Minhyung commented but Ryu still did as she pleased so he won't feel uncomfortable.

In Ms. Chaeyeon's office, Minhyung helped Ryu on the bed and walked out the room.

" Are you okay? "

" Yeah, I'm okay. Could I ask who he was? "

" That's Kim Minhyung, he's a student here "

" I see "

Ryu tried to think if he was the boy she loved but the height and facial features didn't match. At least she knew his name.

" I heard from the kids that you are my favourite teacher? Is that true? "

" Ah, Minhyung did say that you have a little condition but yes, I am "

Chaeyeon pulled out a bracelet that Ryu made for her during her birthday.

" You made this back then and told me that you'll be my dance student till we're both old "

Ryu laughed as the memory played in her head. That's right, I did say that and I did make that.

" If it's okay with you, miss. Could you tell me about my life back then? "

" What do you mean? "

" A big part of my memory is still missing and I really wanna remember "

" I see. You used to be a very cold on the outside but a sunshine on the inside. You were always sassy and savage. You were also a great dancer and all the above. You were also really friendly and had a group "

" I had a real friend group? "

" Yeah, you, 2 girls and 2 boys "

" Really? "

" You started as a group of 4 but when 3 left and you met another, the 5 of you became a powerful friend group. One goof, one beauty, one sweetheart, one normal and you "

" I see, that's how it was then. Do you know their names? "

" That- "

The bell rang before Ms. Chaeyeon could finish her sentence. Ryu was curious to know but didn't wanna worry her mother so she left.

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