Chapter 8: He knows

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Annika stretched as she got out of the car, the drive to Madhurai felt especially long today and they hadn't stopped to stretch the entire drive. She raised her hands above her head stretching out her back as Harry came around the other side of the vehicle. "Wow, this place is beautiful."

Annika looked at the resort, it truly was stunning, Siddharth and Mallika would be married in the garden on the property and the reception was being held in the ballroom. The resort itself was built within the walls of old castle ruins, it was an elegant mix of old and new.

"Isn't it? Wait until you see the rooms, oh and the pool!" Omkara patted Harry on the shoulder, him and Gauri had driven up with them. The boys seeming to get on great, Omkara is the most like Harry, solid and dependable, good. Well, except for the Omkara being a mobster part.

"Let's check in, I wonder if the others are here yet?" Gauri asked as the four of them headed inside.

Annika smiled and shrugged, trying to hide her nerves of the others, mainly Shivaay, arriving. Tonight was basically one last chance for a party, Mallika usually took any opportunity she got, while tomorrow's sangeet dinner was much classier, tonight they had reserved the entire disco.

Which meant drinks, and all their old friends, and it would basically be impossible to avoid any interaction between Shivaay and Harry. Everyone by this point assumed Harry didn't know who Shivaay was, others have asked, and Mallika had politely told people to just zip it when it came to Annika and Shivaay's past.

Speak of the devil. As they entered the lobby, Annika immediately saw Shivaay standing with Yana, Rudra and Bhavya. Rudra was adamant about coming and Harry cleared him, if he took it easy and rested until the wedding. It was a through and through, but there was some muscle damage and stiches.

As they approached Annika could see Shivaay looking at her, though he tried to keep it casual to avoid Harry noticing, he was trying to be respectful of him at least. She could tell he was on edge and was sure it was because of Harry.

When they got to the others, Tushar extended his hand to Harry. "Hey, Doc. We didn't get a chance to meet the other night, Tushar. This is Yana, she's with me, I guess we both like them spirited, huh?"

Harry laughed and shook Tushar's hand, "Apparently, nice to meet you but you can call me Harry." He turned to Bhavya, "How's Rudra."

She smiled, "he's fine. Resting, kind of. But we aren't together."

"Ha! To hell you aren't, you may not have fucked him but you're together" Yana laughed, not giving a care in the world who heard her. Harry looked a little stunned by her outburst but recovered well.

"Really, Ana. Can you control yourself at all?" Shivaay groaned. He looked at Harry and gave a single nod, "Harry."

"Shivaay, good to see you again."

Well, this is fucking awkward. Annika thinks as she returned from getting them checked in. "Should we head up? Get rid of our bags? What time does this thing start tonight?"

Bhavya smiled, "6, although dinner apparently isn't until 9. I think Mallika just wants us all drunk by then."

Harry looked at Annika and winked, "Plenty of time for a nap, let's go."

Annika gave a nervous laugh and dared a look at Shivaay, who was basically biting his cheek to stop himself from growling. She shook it off and headed up with Harry, she knew what Harry had meant by nap, hell they all knew what Harry meant.


Annika and Harry didn't make it down to the party until almost 7, Harry being unwilling to let Annika out of bed until they absolutely had to start getting ready.

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