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Kakashi and I travel through the forest in silence

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Kakashi and I travel through the forest in silence. The moon still beams brightly over us, lighting our path. I can only stare at the leaves as they glisten in the night. We leap from branch to branch. My backpack feels heavy on my shoulders, weighed down by heartache and despair.

Neither of us have said anything since we left the village. There's nothing to say, really, yet I find myself longing for words, comfort, even just an acknowledgement of my pain. I'm embarrassed to be so upset.

Shinobi Rule #25: A shinobi must never must never show their tears during a mission.

But here I am, unable to focus because of my emotions. My old life slips through my fingertips and further away from me with every leap I make across the tree branches. Through all my swirling emotions, one keeps a strong hold over me.


Now that I have zero opportunities to do anything else as Tsuki Uchiha, all I can think of are my regrets. I regret not being a better friend to Kurenai and Guy. I definitely regret the way I treated Guy's feelings. He entrusted something so delicate and meaningful to me, and I basically stomped all over them. I didn't deserve his love then, and I don't deserve it now. I hope he's able to find someone else who treats his feelings sensitively and delicately. He deserves a kind lover, someone able to truly return his affections.

I regret not spending more time with my parents while growing up. I remember thinking my parents were so lame, when they were really the most amazing and noble shinobi. They would've given me anything in the world if I'd asked. They were the best parents anyone could hope for. I should've been a better daughter.

I regret everything about my friendship with Kakashi. I should've been there for him more when Sakumo passed. I shouldn't have let him shut me out so easily. I wish I fought for our friendship more. I wish I told him how I really felt about him. I wish I told him how he makes my heart flutter, how I was proud of him, and how hearing his name would run shivers up my spine. To me, he's everything I've ever wanted, but it's all over now.

Tears well in my eyes again, clouding my vision. I wipe them away with my sleeve, but I didn't see the dead branch before I closed my eyes. As I step down on the branch, it immediately gives out from under me. My ribcage slams into a massive branch just below, sending me backwards toward the forest floor. The back of my head smacks onto another branch. The last thing I see before darkness is Kakashi's outstretched hand reaching out to me.

My body tenses as I brace for the impact of the hard ground, but it never comes. I open my eyes again to see the same hot, sandy desert with Madara Uchiha in the distance. Though I don't know where I am, I remember being here. I'm ready for this. If this is a dream, I know exactly what to expect this time around.

Madara begins walking slowly, just like the last time. I begin to hype up myself and others around me. This time, I try to start walking before everyone charges toward Madara.

I watch as Madara jabs the same shinobi and uses his body to knock over five more allies. I only have a few more seconds before Madara is in front of me to take my eyes, so I begin to walk forward, to my surprise. I reach behind me for a kunai or shuriken. With three in each hand, I break out into a full on sprint.

My movements seem to catch Madara by surprise as I fling all six weapons at him. But, before I can blink, he's behind me. "Too late," he taunts, kicking me with his left leg to send me flying. I tumble through the sand. The moment I stop myself and try to stand, Madara is already above me.

"You're slow!" he yells. A wicked grin spreads across his face as he punches my cheek. My cheekbone shatters under the weight and I scream out in pain. The taste of iron fills my mouth as blood pools. My arms drag as I stand again.

"So, so weak," Madara's taunts are endless as a barrage of fists repeatedly hit my face. "You are no match for me." My cheeks, eyes, and nose all swell from the abuse. Why can't I fight back? I think to myself. Where is my jutsu?

His last punch lands just under my chin. The force behind it sends my body up into the air. Madara jumps up to meet my height, then uses more force to kick me back down into the sand. His heel drives into my chest as uses my body to cushion his landing.

"Did you really believe you could alter this reality?" his unholy laugh fills the air. "Remember this moment well, Tsuki. Should you choose the incorrect path, this is the destined conclusion to your wasted life. You are nothing more than a temporary existence created to realize my dream. You are merely my tool."

I can't breathe. This can't be a dream. I can physically feel every blow that landed on my face, his knee in my chest, and the sand beneath me. I can feel the heat from the sun and hear the sand blowing in the wind. I know this can't be real, but it feels too real.

Just like last time, his hands reach for my eyes. The searing pain of his fingers curling behind my eyes blinds me. I cry out, begging for anyone's help. The pain is so strong, I think I might vomit. The intense pressure on my skull makes me feel like my head will explode at any moment. I feel myself blacking out again, begging for relief from the pain.

"Yes," Madara hisses. "You chose weakness, like my son, Mokusei, and my granddaughter, Yuna. These eyes have been wasted on you. You had the incredible opportunity to hone your true power. The moment has passed, and you've made your decision. I thank you for holding these eyes. I would tell you to watch and learn as I unlock their true potential, but it doesn't seem you're able to anymore." My world is black again. All I hear is Madara's venomous laugh which sends chills through my body.

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