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' smile '

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' smile '

in all honesty, you don't like magic, in fact you hate it

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in all honesty, you don't like magic, in fact you hate it. if it was your choice you would want to go to a muggle school, work a muggle job and live a muggle life. sadly it's not your choice but your parents.

your parents have this obsession with this school. since they weren't able to make it big as wizards and now work a corporate job in the muggle world, their only choice is to rely on you. Since they found out the "boy who lived" goes to hogwarts AND is in the same year as you, the amount of pressure you've been under is unbelievable. it's not that you dislike Harry, even thought you've never spoken to him apart from the train situation, but you disliked the fact that your parents can't stop comparing you two.

even as a little girl you could remember their words as clear as day...


"THE HELL YOU MEAN YOU STILL WANT TO GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL, DONT YOU KNOW WHAT THIS LETTER IS ABOUT?!" your father screamed. looking at you as if you were crazy

"but dad, i like my school, and i'm doing so well in it too!" you tried to reason with him as you also didn't want to lose this argument. "i don't even want to go to hogwarts, it even sounds like a dumb name, i don't want to go, i don't wan-"


hurt. your face stung, your hair was messed up, and you were standing there looking like an idiot with your mouth slightly opened and eyes wide open. you couldn't believe it, i mean its not that your father hasn't hit you before, but this, this was different than before, turning around you can clearly see it in his eyes, his face, how much he disliked you even if it was for a few moments. him and mother looked at you as if you were the most disgusting thing on earth after they heard those words you just said.

"ok, i will go to hogwarts," you said, your face looking down not even wanting to look at them. soon after you felt arms embracing you, like the look they just gave you never happened.

"oh y/n honey, you know how to make us proud! mother said. "we have to go shopping for you supplies, your clothes, your wand, oh dear me this is so exciting!"

they both went on, happy smiles on their faces, but you will never forget those expressions directed towards you, the look of hate, like you werent their daughter but their enemy. it was horrible for 11 year old you, and trust me you wouldn't want to experience it again.


taking a deep breath, you were outside sitting on a bench wearing headphones covered by your hair so no one would notice, reading a book why your back against a wall, enjoying this peaceful day.

as you were listening to "Just like Heaven" by the Cure, someone tapped on your shoulder, disturbing you from reading you secretly paused your music and turned around and saw a very, very handsome boy.

"Hi, i was wondering if i could sit here really quick? i'm just going to wait for a friend." he said as he gave you a charming smile. in all honesty, just by looking at that smile was enough to get you drooling easily. quickly nodding you scooted over a little to give him more space.


after some silence, he spoke up.

"my name is Cedric, what's yours?"

"Y/n" you replied hesitantly

"what are you doing Y/n?, if you don't mind me asking"

"just reading a book" face finally going full contact with his. he paused for a moment when he saw your face and then went down to your lap. peeking over, he saw said book in your hand.
"The Wind Up Bird Chronicles? may i ask what this book is about?"

just as you were about to reply, someone called him from afar.

"oh that's him, sorry to cut this conversation short, but will you tell me what house your in, i would really like to talk to you again about books, of course if you don't mind." once again giving you that dazzling smile.

"ravenclaw, i'm in ravenclaw," you said smiling, excited someone wanted to talk about books as much as you did. although those were your thoughts.

Cedric however didnt just want to talk about books, more like he wanted to get to know you more, to once again see that smile you just showed him, that beautiful smile in his opinion, even if he just met you, that didn't change the fact that he want to know you, all of you.

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