Till then I'll just pretend

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*time skip to April 2017*

"SAV! The lineup leak started for warped tour!" I ran into the living room "I know we're apart of it but I love seeing the lineup alright who's listed so far"
"Too Close To Touch, Neck Deep, Our Last Night, Movements, Beartooth, Fit For A King, The Ataris, oh us! And your boo and Hawthorne Heights" I peered over Max's shoulder to see "This is amazing I can't believe we were on the first leak and we're not a baby band anymore we're an actual band and we'll be on an actual stage I can't wait for June!" My phone buzzed in my pocket it was Noah "Congrats on being one of the first" "Congrats to you too" I grabbed a pen and my notebook "Alright with our album release we need to work on our set list for warped I think we should open up with our punk goes pop cover" "Absolutely" "And then we should probably go with a song or two from the first album and then play our newest stuff and finish off with save me from our second album" "Sounds like a solid plan Sav let's run it by the boys and see what songs they suggest" I put the notebook down and texted the group chat about band practice and set list ideas for warped tour and sat down next to Max "I'm so stoked for our album release tour next week though things our finally looking up for us Maxxie all our hard work is finally paying off"
"I know, have you spoken to your parents at all? Abuela says your mom asks about you all the time" I paused and just thought about the last time I spoke to my mom

     I threw my dinner plate at the wall "This is ridiculous mom! I graduate school next month and turn 18 in September what is your problem!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs my face turning red "My problem is my daughter thinks she can do whatever she wants I'm sorry but you're not moving to LA with your friends you don't have a job no money and like you said you don't turn 18 till September so you will stay here till then!" I just rolled my eyes "I would have a job if you let me tour with my band!" "OH my god fuck your stupid band that's not a real job and you know it" I slammed my hands on the table "Tell that to every famous musician ever!" "You're 17! You need to actually think and prepare for the real world! Go to college!" I got up and stormed into my room "I never wanted to go to college!" My mom quickly followed me "No you just want to play stupid instruments and travel across the country how are you gunna afford that Savannah!" I started packing bags my mom viciously grabbed my arm and yanked me around to look at her "And what do you think you're doing!?" I grabbed my bags and walked out the door "I'm leaving for Aunt Beth's!" My mom just stood there bewildered "Savannah the minute you leave this driveway  you will be on your own there will be no coming home when you fail" Tears started to form in my eyes "I'd rather die than put up with you any longer!" I turned around and headed off to my aunt's house
"Uh not since the day I left tell Abuela I'm sorry if my mom is bothering her" Max put her hand on my knee "It's fine it sounds like she's just worried and misses you"
"Yea we'll she's the one who said I was on my own"
"Sav you know she was just mad and trying to scare you into staying"
"Doesn't matter its been almost 3 years now and we're all doing fine" Max just sighed "Alright well I'm heading over to Stephanie's I'll see you later for band practice" I laid down on the couch just lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear the doorbell ring. I opened the door and there stood Noah I jumped into his arms "You're back! How was tour!?" He showered me in kisses "It was great I missed you so much though" Noah stopped and looked at me "Hey were you crying? Are you ok what happened?" I wiped my face I didn't even realize I was crying myself "It's fine just mommy issues don't worry about it" Noah smirked at me "Like I need therapy mommy issues or I'm hypersexual mommy issues?" I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room "Wanna find out?" Noah looked at me like a deer in head lights "Are you sure Savannah?" I closed our door and jumped into my bed "Of course d-do you not want too?" Noah started undressing "Now I never said that!" He jumped into bed next to me "I just want to make sure you're sure is all" I started to undress "I'm definitely sure it's been a long 3 months without you" Noah climbed on top of me "I agree"

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