Wow im boaring

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Wow did u know what I have discovered about my self... IM SO BOARING!!!!!
I fugrerd that out by asking my best friend ellie I sayed "am I boaring" she says this right to my face she says "yes". Then I got mad tried to hit her she tried to hit me I said sorry we made up. Simple. I wonder what's for dinner?if it's tacos again I will freak. Then I went to see Ellie's ship I saw her fat cat puffy I said hi but he ran away. Note to self do not tell a fat cat "i will cook you". I found out that the hard way. I saw her eating food so I was hungry and jumps on her table and said
" I clam this table to be mine" "Ella get off the table would you like some left overs?" Said Ellie's mom. I said no I'm full. Ok by peps good night. 😋

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