School who knows it

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Arg!!! I had the worst day of school ever. I wonder who invented school then I could kick their butts. But any ways there was a girl named kat she is popular girl. She is a princess. At my school their are princess and pirates. Once again I'm a pirate. So she made fun of me. My best friend Mary backed me up. Mary loves art and the most well... best artist I have ever known. Then Ellie came. Ellie is the best athlete I have known and Lucy is a very smart girl but also very shy. Kat said this right to my face " oh I love that outfit did you get it out of the ocean?" Luckily I brought my soard with me so I took it out... but Priceable luck came out and yelled at me. I got suspended. We had a long talk well I have to have a conversation with my 😣

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