Dragon's Hoard

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 In days long gone, before my time

 When dragons ruled the skies

 There were knights who quested far

 To win a lady's sighs

 The romance bound in chivalry

 Was based on deeds quite grand

 To prove a mate of worthy mien

 Renowned throughout the land

The knights of old were hale and bold

 Too confident to fear

 Prepared to fight for love and right

 Should danger come too near

An errant knight could wander far

 Before he got the chance

 To slay a dragon for it's hoard

 With only sword and lance

The last to spill hot dragon's blood

 Brought back the strangest tale

 He told it to my father's da

 When sotted by his ale

He said “Young lad, I have a tale

 That's heavy on my shoulder.

 It started in my callow youth,

 When not so wise, but bolder

My lust for fame, to gild the name

 That I was born to carry

 Was fueled by schemes to lure a pool

 Of girls from which I'd marry

I'd squired for a knight renowned

 As a dragon slayer

 I learned from him all he could teach

 To make myself a player

When I received my spurs of gold

 I hoisted many flagons

 With liquid courage as support

 I hid my fear of dragons

But hunt, I did, and dragon kind

 Began to fear my coming

 The numbers that I slew back then

 Was really quite mind numbing

Their scales were hard as tempered steel

 Made killing them a trial

 I started small and watched each time

 For weaknesses in style

The young were bold, with no finesse

 Just eager for the kill

 The older ones were not so rash

 And fought with greater skill

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