Chapter 1: Show me your Dream

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Loud crackles of lighting were heard rolling in as a sign that a storm was coming, the small trinkets of rain dropping onto the graveyard that stood up on the hills. In front of one of them, there was a small Imp, who looked speechless, staring silently at the gravestone that belonged to his father. He couldn't cry, he ran out of tears a long time ago.

"Bastard," The Debt Collector. "Hanging himself without paying this month's installment. F##king Imps." He was inside a car, sheltered by the rain. He gave the Boy cold and calculative eyes, looking at the Imp with disgust.

"You got till tomorrow to pay me what he didn't, however you do it, I don't care. But if you don't, then I'll kill you and sell your parts on the market. Do you understand...Imp?"

The boy nodded.

"That's what I thought. I'll give you enough time to mourn over your pops, but when the rain stops, you better be getting to work...or else."

And without a glance back, he drove off leaving the little Imp to his lonesome, looking over the grave, wondering now of what he should do, to take on the burden of his now dead father.


He could make out something behind a small tree, seeing a round orange creature who looked at him with threatening glare and growled, sticking out their head looked to be a sort of blade, resembling a...a chainsaw?


He gasps and falls onto the wet grass, turning up to witness the creature glaring back at him, coming toward him with its blade. For as round and stubby (and kinda cute) as it appeared, the chainsaw-like blade that stuck out of it didn't assure it was a thing to be messed with, and therefore a threat, in fact, if you were able to see on all sides, it would resemble that of a chainsaw. Of course, this didn't ease him, but only amplified his fear.


"If you're gonna kill me. Do it. What's it matter? I'm dead either way."

Tears would run down his face, his body shaking from the cold and his hands trembling by his sides. For as scared as he was to die, it would've been better if his death to a monster then to demons that possibly had far worse ways to kill him. Pumped out his chest, ready for the worst.

However, nothing happened, and When he opened his eyes, he found the creature laying in the grass, panting weakly, as it was seen that blood was pouring out of its underside.

"It's hurt," Denji said, looking into the creature's eyes. "It's gonna die too."

The creature struggled to cling onto life for much longer, he started to panic on what to do. He had already lost his Dad, and he wasn't gonna let another die in front of him. He bonks his head, trying to think of something. Until, he recalled something that he was told many years ago, of a story he was told by someone a long time back. He looks at it, debating if he should do it, if this thing was one of them, then there was only one thing he should do.

"Bite me!" He shows his arm to the creature. "If you are what I think you are, then you have the ability to heal when drinking blood. If you don't wanna die, then bite me!"

The creature looks at him, looking surprised and with all its strength, they pick themselves up from off the ground to walk toward the little imp, when it does, it looks to his arm, opens its mouth and clamps down on it with its teeth. Denji winced in pain, feeling the creature sucking on his blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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