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Bucky wakes up tried on the floor next to Sam bed. Bucky stretch as he stands up and just admire Sam that he could have him as a best friend and maybe more than just friend.. Maybe work on his starring problem too. Bucky yawned and he opened the door, seeing Sarah making breakfast for her kids and for Sam and Bucky too.

Sarah see Bucky coming from Sam room and said "So how's your sleep doing now mh? " Sarah smiled at Bucky, Bucky kinda mumble because he was kinda blushing when Sarah smiled at him . Sarah said "What? ". Bucky said without mumble " Sorry.. it wa-s good Sarah. "

He chuckled nervously. "Well good I made pancakes for all us, can you wake up my brother please? " Bucky nodded and walks back to Sam room and opened it and saw Sam shirtless and was just taking his shirt off to grab another one from his closet.

Bucky panicked and slam the door hard and covered his face that he just didn't just open the door seeing his best friend shirtless again since that only happened to Bucky once in the 40s.

Sam opened the door and looked down at Bucky and said "Um, you okay Bucky? " Sam asked as if he was confused. Bucky looked at Sam and said nervous "Yeah sorry I came in at the wrong time..Sam." Sam grabs Bucky hand letting Bucky up from his knees.

Sam replied back to bucky "It's fine Bucky anyway ready to eat for breakfast? After all after breakfast we have to patrol together okay?" Bucky nodded and both of them walk to the kitchen table and the table was filled with pancakes, waffles, fruits in a basket,syrup,and butter.And Sam's nephews were eating their breakfasts and waved to them. Sam and Bucky sat down at the table and are with breakfast.

Bucky look around and the table and everyone was just chatting and enjoying the time with each other and Bucky realized that he really was safe with the people he care about especial Sam.

Sam was the reason he still living and he always made him smiles and safe around and he always crack jokes around him making him smiles or laugh for once.

And one time when Sam did a joke around him the first time Sam saw Bucky's smile or laugher and Sam was impressed and smile back to him. Heck Bucky really thought was " He really in love with Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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