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On a night lit by the moon, a sudden uproar was heard in the dormant Aslan Kingdom. The King resided in his study while his wife was in bed resting and his children were safe at bay. A loud crash alerted the King and his personal guard rushed to his side. The King immediately ran to the bedroom of his oldest son as his guard checked on the youngest prince. The out of breath King instructed his guard to stay and take care of his children while he went and checked on his precious wife. He made his way through the long corridor that was barely lit by candlelight, the moon's light being enough to show the small details engraved on the castle molds. Loud screams and shouts came from his people, the walls and the floor were painted of blood and no matter how badly the king wished to help his people he could not as he had important and treasured people he had to protect. Even though he felt his legs giving up he kept persisting until he reached the double doored bedroom which shined as bright as a star letting everyone know the room belonged to their queen and king. The king quickly opened the door but what he saw left him shocked, heartbroken, tears brimming and his blood boiling. How could his one and only do this to him? Why would she do this to him? All he's ever done is dote on her and give her everything she needed, he loved her more than anything but yet... here she was in THEIR bed with another man that wasn't him. He felt betrayed and confused, he shakily walked near his surprised wife and lover, hearing pleas and apologies out of his wife's mouth. In a moment of rage he did something he would come to regret the most in his life, something that will forever haunt him in his dreams but.... What could he do... he wasn't in his right mind. The next thing he knows is a sword was brought to his wife's chest, his tears now flowing down his cheeks as his wife looked at him apologetic as her eyes that once were full of life now looked back at him lifeless. That day the king had stained his hands red as now the king had murdered two people. Two people that everyone would come to know to be victims of the assailants that had attacked the kingdom that day.

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