Chapter Six

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Taking the final bite of my usual breakfast, a large black-feathered owl flew across our table dropping a small envelope in my lap. I stuffed it in my pocket, trying my best to hide it but I realised I failed when I saw Sebastian looking at me with a raised brow. "Well? Aren't you going to open it?" He asked, refilling his glass of apple juice. "I've never seen you get mail before." I simply shrugged my shoulders, hoping he would change the subject. I felt the royal purple stamp burn against my skin as I clenched it in my hand. Rookwood must have news.

I quickly excused myself and ran to the nearest bathroom before opening the letter.

We have found the first few sources. Rumour has it, there's one somewhere just beneath Hogwarts. Ranrok doesn't know of this yet, but I can't stall him forever.

You'd better keep your word.

"Incendio." I whispered, tossing the ashy remains into the trashcan. Time was running out.

"Ah, Miss Astranelge!" Professor Fig called out as he passed me in the hall. "My office, please." He smiled, beckoning to the door behind him. The office was quite large although the size of it went completely unnoticed because of the stacks of books and papers that cluttered the floor. "I am sorry for not having been able to get back to you sooner. I've been a bit, shall we say, occupied. Regarding our findings of earlier events, I wanted to show you this map. I figured you might be able to see something, with your ability." I scanned the map, pointing directly at the area that was surrounded by a faint blue hue. I quickly thought of my younger years, being able to see the same glows and traces as now but never having known what it was. It was a unique ability, yet it still wasn't enough to impress my family.

To me it seemed more of a mockery, being able to see magic but not being able to cast it.

"The library, of course! It seems the restricted section is where you shall find answers. However-" A knock at the door suddenly brought our conversation to an end but I couldn't be more grateful. Headmaster Black waltzed in, his hands behind his back. "Ah, Professor Fiiiiig." He drew out his name in a mocking manner before acknowledging my presence with the wave of his hand towards the door. I nodded to Professor Fig and made my way back to the common room. That's all I needed to know.

I looked around hastily, if Sebastian wasn't with Ominis he was always sneaking around somewhere he shouldn't which just so happened to make him even more perfect for what I needed to do. Our eyes met as I saw him standing near the fireplace.
"Sebastian!" I pulled him to the side, pushing his back to the wall. "Have you been spying on me in my dreams?" He asked, his usual smirk plastered on his face as he looked me up and down. I ignored the comment as best I could, but I knew I failed when his smirk grew even wider. "Shut up. I need your help getting into the restricted section." I whispered. He tilted his head, his eyes looking playful.
"I've been looking to do some research of my own down there so say no more. Meet me tonight by the library... And tell no one."

I waited patientlyfor nightfall, feeling particularly nervous about our upcoming endeavour. If Iwas to find anything regarding the final source beneath the school, it wasbound to be some disintegrating book locked behind chains in the restrictedsection.
My need to find it grew desperately, I needed that magic to myself.

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