27. First Doubt

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Jiah. I'm a rogue too. Please accept me...."

Taemin looked up. The meat they had roasted on the bonfire had started cooling down on the makeshift of a plate made from some big leaf of a tree. For a few seconds, nobody talked. And that caused the air to fill with silent cackling noises of the bonfire.

Taemin's cold eyes roamed over the Omega girl standing in front of them. Jiah was staring at Taemin with a little excited eyes. Something which irked him. Silently, he put the meat filled leaf down and wiped the grease around his lips with tip of the finger.

"Which pack?"

Jiah made a confused plus a little flustered face. She looked around to the other rogues for help. Jongin looked between Taemin and Jiah. And decided to help the Omega out.

"Taemin ah... She's a rogue too. That means she doesn't belong to any pack. Moreover she was following us for few days since it's not really safe for an unmated Omega like her...", He said trying to convince Taemin. He knew Taemin didn't trust anyone with their small rogue pack. They have been through a lot of attacks before too. And accepting anyone whom they didn't know or were sure about, could end badly. And also, he didn't really think this Omega could harm them in anyway.

"I asked which pack?", Taemin asked more firmly and Jiah felt a shiver run down her spine.

A smell of oranges started permeating through air. And slowly it turned heavy and more sour with each second. That caught the newcomer Omega off guard as she felt her legs started shaking. Taemin's gaze was fixed over her and he was not really merciful when it came to safety of his pack. Everyone had their noses scrunched. Jongin stepped up and put his hand over Taemin's shoulder.

"Taemin ah... Stop using your pheromones you're stinking up—"

Suddenly a sharp cry was heard and everyone stilled in their places. Taemin almost snapped back as he turned towards the tent they had built for the night to take rest.

A small figure emerged from the dark shadows that surrounded the single tent. Everyone had their ears perked up towards the figure.

Kyungsoo, one of the rogues ran towards the pup with concern, "Soobin-ah, did you have a bad dream??"

The pup ignored the beta and started walking towards Taemin as he wiped his teary eyes furiously. Taemin's demeanor changed in a second as he kneeled down to pick his distressed pup.

"A-appa... Are you h-hurt?", He said half crying and half trying to act like an elder. Taemin's brows furrowed in concern. He started caressing the pup's small back to calm his down and his pheromones quickly turned into softer ones.

"No pup... Why did you ask this?", He asked softly. Jiah gasped at how the Alpha who was threatening her by releasing his Alpha pheromones all over just a moment ago can speak like this.

"Bad smell....", pup scrunched his nose and Taemin's eyes softened. They filled with adoration as he wiped the pup's soft cheeks off the remnants of tears.

"Appa is all fine pup... No need to worry your small head, okay? Let's go to bed now.... Don't you want to join Appa on hunt tomorrow??", He asked nuzzling pup's cheek thoroughly scenting the pup. In only few seconds the pup was smothered in his Alpha's comforting orange blossom scent. Soobin nodded excitingly with the thought of going to the hunt tomorrow.

He always liked going on hunt with his appa and uncles. He liked it when their group of rogue Alphas and Betas treated him like a grown up. He was the only pup in the group. They always taught him new things. He never felt like he didn't have Omega mother....

Taemin cradled the pup to his chest securely before looking up. In a second his eyes sharp from soft. Supporting the pup with one hand, he raised his other hand towards the newcomer. Pointing his finger at her in warning.

"If you've came from Busan and thinking of trapping us... I would suggest you to return for good. I won't hesitate to kill you despite your gender or rank."


Jungkook had returned to his personal chambers with heavy steps and hazy mind.

Never in his whole life he would've thought that someday he'll come to this. His so called mate, whom he loved in the past before he decided to betray him will enter his life once again, after he had thrown him out. And the question about his pregnancy.

Was that really his own child?

Was Jimin even really pregnant at that time?

So many questions were rivaling each other in his mind. There was no way to tell if Jimin was really even pregnant at that time since he had spent very little time with the said Omega after coming from Taegu. He haven't even met Jin hyung to confirm his pregnancy.

But Jin might knew. He needs to meet Jin.

Deep in his thoughts, he entered his chamber. Instantly he was hit with the smell of withered roses. Aera was sitting on his bed with a look of anticipation.

Seeing Jungkook, she instantly stood up and approached the Alpha. Her nose twitched in search of any unfamiliar Omegan scent, but couldn't find any. An instant relief washed over her features and she looked at Jungkook happily.

"I knew it. You won't sleep with that lowly Omega. How dare he even dream about that....", She scoffed in disgust and Jungkook frowned.

"I'm exhausted that's why I didn't want to engage in any... activity. So...", He prompted towards the bed. Aera was still in ecstacy ignored the sign and cling to him.

"I know you don't have habit of sleeping without me. Let's go to bed....", She said in a seductive voice. Now that Jungkook observed, she was wearing bare minimum of what can be called clothes. 'Those were even lesser than what Jimin was wearing. Yet Jimin's sight was more alluring', he thought. And then he shook his head.

"Aera, I said I'm exhausted. Go to sleep and let me be.", He said in gruff voice making Aera frown.

"Did that Omega say something to you, Alpha?"


"No. Tell me. I know he wants to snatch the royal title once again. What can be another reason to come back here even after so much humiliation? These Kisaengs are known to be clever homewreckers. They can make up any story and feed you, and they spell bound in such way, you can never deny them...", She kept rambling and Jungkook sighed.

He laid on the bed thinking about meeting the royal healer first in the morning...



So, we celebrated Hobi's birthday in a rural area with some children and it was really overwhelming to see them smile... So how did you celebrate Hobi's birthday??

Borahae 💜

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