37. Promise Of The Past

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8 years ago:

The night was still alive when a certain Omega's distressed cries were filling the air. Even if he tried to cry out with all his might it could barely reach few metres because of a sudden heavy rain.

It seemed like nature was also mourning for that Omega.

The roaring clouds and thrashing rain couldn't protect Omega from his pain as he bled while crying until he fell unconscious. Minho was terrified.

They have covered the whole town, going from door to door, trying to look for a midwife or healer who could save Jimin and his pup. When Jimin fell unconscious on his back from crying and bleeding too much, Minho's senses were heightened. Although he was trying to release calming pheromones, it was almost impossible because of his distress.

His clothes were all ruined with blood because of the Omega on his back who was lying unconscious now. But he didn't care. He carried him to every single house trying to seek help. Drenched from head to toe, shivering from cold and hopeless attempts to follow...

"Alpha... They will never help him."

He turned to see a female Omega standing with an umbrella. Minho remembered seeing her in the court earlier.

She was the current head of Omega House. Since Jimin was punished to serve as Omega for his whole life, she was here to take charge of him. He didn't trust her.

He tried hiding Omega's sight from her only to see a pitiful smile etching her lips.

"I know you are worried for your friend there. But carrying him in this heavy rain all over isn't going to help him. If anything it might hurt him more. No one is going to help him. And bad as it sounds, but the only door open for him belongs to Kisaeng House. Let's take him there, we might try something...", She said approaching the pair. She silently held the the umbrella over the pair, mostly Omega as she jestured Minho to hurry.


Jimin felt a slight sting of pain in his lower stomach. But it wasn't bad like earlier. He remembered.

Suddenly he shot up from his place and tapped his tummy. It felt alright. He could feel life inside. Despite slight pain, everything seemed alright. It took him a few minutes to look at the surroundings.

It seemed familiar. Painfully familiar. From a distant memory.

It was still night, as he could make out from the sight out of the window. There were some herbs and medicines kept by his mattress' side. The straw mattress did make some painful imprints on his soft skin, but he wasn't not used to it. It was just, it has been a long time since he slept on it. He dwelled in his thought when the door opened and came inside an unfamiliar female Omega.

Jimin cowered from the unfamiliar Omega but she was by his side in a second. It took him few more minutes to calm him down and make introductions to the new person.

It was Hyejin. People called her Hwasa, the new Madame of Kisaeng house. She was former Madame's niece by relation but held no similarity in characters. She was quite the opposite of former. Kind, soft spoken but with a strong aura despite being an Omega.

"I won't beat around the bush, Jimin ssi. Yesterday was eventful for you. All the stress could have cost you your pup or even your own life. We managed to get a healer and he saved both of you. Alpha Minho has gone to drop the healer back to their home. This is the start, Jimin ssi. Enmity with the King is gonna get you in lot of trouble, with commonners too...", Hyejin dictated him the facts which Jimin didn't need to be reminded.

"There's someone who wants to meet you...", She said and looked at the door. As if a signal being given, someone entered the room with quiet steps. Jimin let out a loud gasp looking at him.

Taemin stood there all covered like a thief or burglar.

Jimin didn't have power to walk or stand, so he gestured him to come near as Taemin did.

"W-what are you doing here?? Are you okay? T-they... Decided to execute you... H-how are you here???", Jimin fired all the questions. Taemin gripped his shaking hands to smooth them for him to calm down.

"I ran away. Come on, I am... was, one of their soldiers. Do you think I don't know all the security and the secret paths that lead out the cells?", He asked softly. Jimin was left wide eyed.


"I'm not going to take punishment I'm not accountable for... I haven't done anything then why should I take the punishment?? I have decided that I'm going to run away...", As absurd as it sounds, Jimin was relieved. He knew Taemin certainly has broken a law by running away but there was no option. Death was waiting for him on the other side which would be too cruel. And Taemin wasn't a weak person to suffer in silence. Jimin sighed.

"I wish you the best furth—"

"I'm here to take you with me."

That was another shock. He stared at Alpha with wide eyes. He couldn't understand what Taemin was trying to say. But Taemin looked sure if what he said. He even had a little backpack prepared of necessities it seemed.

"Even I'm not against this idea, Jimin ssi.", Hyejin interrupted and Jimin didn't know what to say. She was practically asking him to run away, despite him being a new income resource for her, unlike the former Madame. "But you are very weak right now. I don't know if you would make it out of the town in this condition without any loss..."

"I'll try to be careful...", Taemin interjects. They were planning for him to run away. Are they even serious. This could make everyone, including Hwasa, Minho involved in greater problems with the King.

"Listen, Taemin hyung... I wish I could come with you but I can't. If we run away together, it would be like confirming their dirty accusations. And it will be difficult for you with me on board. We can't risk that... Instead I wish you good... Go Taemin hyung.", Jimin begged. And Taemin was left with no choice. He had no time. He knew, patrolling guards must've caught on his disappearance by now. It was very early in the morning. Searching will be starting. He needed to hurry.

"But Jimin ah..."

"Just... Promise me one thing."

"What?", Taemin's voice came out dejected.

"You will come back after 7 months.", Jimin's face now had some unreadable expressions. Taemin was confused.

"You will come back... And take my pup away from here. You will take them as far as possible from here....", Jimin said with hardened face. Taemin took a sharp inhale before whispering.

"I will."


Ayyo Beautiful Saramis!!!

What are your thoughts? So the question I asked in earlier update, I think no one got it.

Still take a guess. It's gonna reveal anyway so I'm not gonna tell.

Borahae 💜

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