chapter 5

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I woke up in a bed next to some dude with his arm around me and I was about to go crazy until I remember that I got kicked out of my dad's house so who house was I in, that's the last thing I could remember was getting kicked out and talking to Shawn, Chris, and deck before hitting the blunt and drinking. I got up out the bed then he pulled me back down, “aye bruh I don’t even know you so why you touching me”

“oh yeah they did say you weren't going to remember anything sorry bro, I’m dre”

“what’s today”

“I don't know, you hungry someone's cooking and it smells good”

“yeah hold up, and why I'm naked, well why I’m in my underwear”

“shawn took yo stuff off, he said you wouldn’t mind since yall dated”, yes, I dated one of my best friends but he become my best friend after we broke up because he didn’t want to cut me out his life, you know the usual.

We walked downstairs to see Clinton cooking and shit was smelling good but I was not hungry I felt sick and my head was throbbing like I was hit with a big as brick, “hey, good morning crazy”, I looked around and everybody was looking at me

“why yall looking at me”

“cause you pulled a gun out”

“not one but two” Chris said

“damn I did, on who”

“me”, I looked at him and for the first time in my life I felt guilty, not much though, I pulled a gun out on someone that I didn't know and probably didn't do shit to me, which is what I thought.

“Why did I pull a gun out”

“Because you said you were tired of people telling you what to do and because I grabbed you by your neck”

“and that’s the reason I pulled a gun out at you but I'm sorry, did I hit you”

“Naw you grazed me but it’s cool, you gone repay me”,


“By taking me to dinner”, I was thinking to myself who the fuck said that

“fine, where you want to go”

“I want a 5-course meal”

“ok I got the best place”

“bet, yall can come if yall want”

“Naw, we good, this sounds like a date”

“it’s not so Chris stop saying stupid shit”

"what if I want it to be a date"

"while it's not going to happen so calm down"

"come on bro at least one date and if you don't like it or me, you can call it off in the middle"

"nigga are you fucking slow, I said it’s not a date"

“aye chris tell yo homeboy stop disrespecting my company” Clinton said, I stood there laughing and then he started cursing me out which I was ignoring, “so you think shit is funny, come into my house and disrespect the people that live here, you can get out”

“and I might just do that, thank you”, I went upstairs and grabbed my three suitcases and put em in my truck until Chris tried to stop me from getting in my car,
“rick, what the fuck is you doing”

“yeah, this house isn't for me and tell yo boyfriend little friend plans off and if he touch me again it won’t be a graze” I drove to the school and I didn’t even want to be here but I had too, I parked the car and I grabbed my bags and walked into the school and of course the principle was on my ass for speeding in her school parking lot "don’t you know this is a school zone, why are you speeding like that"

"cause I was late"

"and that gave you permission to speed"


"here you need this, your breath is terrible", she was holding out for me a piece of gum and a mint, I just looked at her, took the gum and my pass and went to my locker put my clothes in the locker and went to math class and as soon as I entered the teacher and the class looked at me even my own sister

"how you throw a party then leave"

"right that's stupid as fuck", some random kid said, "I heard he got beat up by the new kid and his siblings”

“why the fuck you care what I do" i said getting irritated, “I don't, it was just a question"

"don't question me"

"Rick drew Underwood please take your sit"

"tell yo class stop talking to me"

"Rick please sit down"

"you said like a little as kid, sit down damn", Ty said, I tried to ignore his comment but he was irritating my soul as he always does but nigga beta stop cause I know shit about him that nobody else knows since he was someone I called a friend and he's also my ex, (you might be thinking Rick did you date all your friends and half of everyone in the school and the answer to that is yes.)"Ok class, I gave you guys a paper yesterday did anyone finish it", we all raised our hands and gave her the paper and when she turned around to walk back to the front of the class this nigga ty through a paper ball at me so I ignored it then him and his friend through another paper ball and one hit me so me being me walked over to ty friend and demanded a apology, "say sorry"

"nigga who is you"

"I think you know now… say…. sorry"

"I'm good", and when he said that my mind went blank and I could feel blood just pumping through me and my right arm came up and my fist went right across his jawline, he fell backwards on another desk then ty got up and tackled me on my side and I fall and hit my mouth on the front part of the desk, the teacher screamed cause she saw me bleeding, the two guards grabbed ty and I was laying there bloody and ty friend was knocked out on the floor.
I got up and ran to the bathroom to clean my mouth out then the two guards came in and grabbed me and took me into the principle office and dropped me off even though my mouth was still bleeding and slammed the door behind them, "what the hell is wrong with you two"

"to be honest they started it, throwing fucking paper balls at me", I said leaking blood from my mouth

"nigga you know you love balls"

"oh you tryna play bruh, ty don't make me expose you, please don't "

"nigga how you going to expose me with no pictures or videos"

"nigga I got all the videos when we was together they think you straight but I know you", he got mad quiet when I said that and he knew I had videos in my phone so he knew better. “I don't know what ima do with you two but I’m going to let this pass if yall can win the game next Saturday"

"and if we don't"

"I will expel both of you, deal"


''Rick what about you”

“whatever deal"

''now get up out of my office”, I grabbed some of her napkins and put on my mouth as I walked to my locker and seen drake, his sister and Jordan but I just ignored them and finish putting my stuff in my locker, "aye, everyone gathers around over here", I seen that they made a circle around me with them in it, "this is rick drew underwood, he wanted to go out with my brother then when my brother rejected him he jumped to me like a little hoe so if he ask you out, say no cause he probably going to do the same to yall", “he probably got something”. I grabbed my book bag and headed towards the bathroom and then of course Jordan and his friends walked into the bathroom locking the door behind them.

"So this the bitch as nigga, Jordan"

"yeah that's him"

"well let's teach him another lesson then"

"bruh you Ain’t got to do that me and my brothers already did"

"but you said he threaten you"

"yeah he did I almost forgot about that"

"ok then so let's beat his ass once again", the dude that was talking ran up and I dodged his hit and he hit the wall, my fist went straight across his face, I hurried up and tried to ran but it was two more plus Jordan, the two ran up and tackled me knocking me on the floor, one dude grabbed my head and started hitting me against the floor, with my left hand I grabbed the dude that was on my left by his hair and tried getting him off me but I was still getting my ass whooped. I was just thinking on, I'm getting my revenge, and I knew how to fight it's just they kept trying to jump me. When they was done I was just on the ground bleeding from my face once again, they took my wallet and this nigga Jordan was just staring at me while I was bleeding, they screamed his name but he didn't go out, he locked the door and helped me sit up, "why you touching me"

"I'm helping you",

"I don't need your help"

"you do and your going to get it", drake and his sister knocked on the door and he walked over and let them in, they walked in and Jordan told them to get toilet paper and wet it,

"why are we helping him"

"cause this shit right here wasn't supposed to happen"

"what you mean"

"we already beat him up and each day he's fighting someone else or getting jumped" was he calling me weak?

"yeah you right"

"and Any ways don't yall remember the book, grandma use to read yall"

"yeah it was called nightmares"

"right and who name was in the that book"


“what the fuck are yall talking about”

“can we ask you a question”


“are your parents rich because they worked hard for it or did they take it over”

“bro i don’t know, why”

“just asking”,

“what was this book about”

“two parents that were vampires and think they were better than everyone, not caring who they stepped on to get to the top not even their kids, they had three kids but one night they decided to give them this watch that had powers in and once you put it on it connects to your soul and the father even bite both of them giving them vampire powers”

“let me guess the main character was a dude just like me”

“yeah but they weren’t normal vampires, you couldn’t kill them with onions or holy water or stake to the heart, what kills them is if they don’t have their watch on and something bad happens”

“it’s garlic not onions and so basically our lives and soul is in our watches”

“yeah”, the shit he was telling me sounded so fucking stupid and I was still bleeding from my mouth, “do yall still have this book”, I don’t know”

“well can yall bring it tomorrow and can we get back to my bleeding issue”, they helped me stop the bleeding from my head, nose, and mouth and then we walked out and of course Jordan was faced with his three mad friends but i was just holding my head up still bleeding out my nose

“so you chose the little faggot over us”

“bro watch your mouth”

“oh yeah i forgot your a faggot too”,

Jordan grabbed him and pushed him up against the locker, “bro you know me better then this, now you know i will beat your ass now say sorry”, he just looked at him then looked at me
“sorry bro now let me go”, he dropped him and told him to go to class, “aye Jordan i never asked but how old are you”

“21”, this nigga 21 in school like how dumb can you be, in school and got kids.

We all walked away in different directions but Jordan came running behind me, “aye you think I’m dumb, don’t you”

“you want the truth or to lie”

“damn you coldblooded”

“I mean I would have been dropped out if I was 21 and got kids and still in high school”

“yeah I know what you mean but i want to at least get my high school diploma ”

“yeah i see what you saying and i respect that”. I walked away to my next class even though I skipped 2nd since I got beat up and yes the school schedule is fucked up 2 periods then lunch what type of shit is that but I walked to lunch and sat at our table in the front where everyone can see us and my almost damaged faced. I was chilling and then Shawn, Chris and deck walked in and tried to sitting at the table with me and tried talking to me but I just ignore them and then some girl was walking past with her friend and some dude bumped into her making her waste her lunch down my back, "oh my god, I'm so sorry let me help you"

"Naw  its cool"

"let me help"

"I said its good", I got up and walked to the bathroom like always I realize that I lived in the bathroom at this school but I went in and told everyone to get out, everyone ran out expect this one dude with tattoos all over his body, "didn't you hear what I said"

"I did but I wasn't listening, you see I'm pissing right"

"whatever", I started taking my shirt off and pulled the other one out of my bag,

"what happened"

"some girl spilled her lunch on me"

"damn that's why you stink and smell like that"

"yeah now I gotta walk around smelling like this"

"or go to the locker room and take a shower before u put them clean cloths on", I stood there for a minute putting my shirt back in my bag, "your welcome, you know where to go right"



“Rick, you"

“Bradley”, he held his hand out and I didn't want to touch it cause he probably had piss on his hand so I just fist pumped him "aye maybe we can link up later after school" he asked me

"yeah maybe catch me after my football practice"

"bet can I get a ride home too since I don't want to walk or catch the bus"

"yeah I'll give you a ride"

"you coming to my place or I'm going to your place"

"it don't matter to be honest"

"ok bet".

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the locker rooms downstairs, I put my stuff in the locker and went into the showers I felt the presence someone was looking at me but it could have just been me paranoid, I finish showering and got out until I got a call from my father talking about he need to talk to me, amber and the other 4 as soon as possible and to Leave school now, I got out of the shower and jumped to the group chat and texted Shawn and them and told them to get ready to leave.
I put my clean clothes on and still felt someone looking at me but I just ran upstairs and seen Bradley and told him I'll be back to get him. We rushed to the car and drove off to my dad's house, I don't know why I was such in a rush to get there since he put me out but something told me too, I parked the car and we ran into the house and seen him and mother sitting down with about 20 men standing up beside them, "what you needed us for"

"I just needed you, your sister, deck and Chris, no offense shawn"

"it's cool, should I go"

"naw you can stay since your here"

"Rick we heard that you have been told the story of the underwood"

"yeah that's true"

"well, it's time for you to become one"


"yes me and your mother are deciding to retire early and travel"

"um wow thanks but I thought you didn't think I was responsible enough"

"you're not responsible but your powerful, a strong leader and you have confidence, did you know in your past life you was a king"

"I mean look at me"

"yes but not in your past life in another dimension, you supposed to be there now but my brother your uncle and his wife are doing a great job ruling the kingdom, if it wasn’t for the werewolves you would have been born there but that’s another story for another day"

"Umm this is a lot don’t you think"

"I know it's a lot to take in but it's time to receive your watches, there's 6 of them, yes Shawn you get one but you won't become a vampire"

"I'm cool with that sir, just as long as I'm on the team"

"good love that type of spirit, now put these on", my dad gave us the watches and then told us to sit down and relax as one of the men that was gather around started to come closer to me as I felt his hands on my shoulder, "relax", as he bit into my neck as I felt my blood rushing throughout my body.

The process was stupid cause we had to get bite, put in a coffin that was in our basement and wait until the next day to be woken up, but it was now or never so they bite us, which felt fucking awful and was put into the basement in our coffins with our names on it, we went into a deep sleep all day long until the next morning, my dad came down activing our watches, “rick drew underwood, ruler of the eternal gardens, king of the vampires, strong, powerful, element nature, fire,
water, wind and it’s creatures, no weaknesses with the watch but every weakness that affects humans”, the watch said “amber Nicholas underwood, future queen of  the eternal gardens, dangerous, powerful, element fire and earth”, the watch said, they continue speaking before giving out a sharp needle pain went straight into my wrist, meaning we was connected now. we learned with these watches that we our immortal and everyday someone will try to kill us.

“these our my last words to you, rick you will be taking over this house, this is all yours, we sold all our other houses and boats but we still have the plane, remember rick feed the animals at our private zoo everyday or hire people to do it, make sure the kingdom is alright and fined and make sure the vampire are in check and not tryna over throw you, ok”

“yeah we got it”

“so yall our a team, “we always been a team dad”

“good, now good luck to you all and don’t call us, work it out yourself. He left closing the coffin back as we fall back into a deep sleep.

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