chapter 6

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The last thing I remembered was being bit and falling out, it wasn’t until the next week then shawn came down to the basement and woke us up, I was the last one to woke up out this deep sleep and seen the same man that bit me bowing down.

“My king, what do you have plan today”

“one don’t say my king, say rick and two I’m going to school and when we get out, were going to have a little meeting”


“cemetery cause I’m also hungry”.

We walked up the stairs, got our shit together and left out to go to school and today should be very interesting for these students, “rick we don’t even know how to control these powers”

“that’s why we are meeting at the cemetery, were going to talk, eat then train”

“you know we curve blood right”

“oh, i know and i know four bodies that will feed all of us”, the car stopped and of course again everyone was still staring, there is a specific way us underwoods walk into a school, one, head up, confidence, two leader always in front, three girls on both sides, four one dude on the far right from the girl on the right, one dude in the middle but at the end and last one dude behind the girl on the left, that's how us underwood's always walk into a school, tradition never change”, we was walking into school and went straight  to the lunchroom and for some reason ty and his friends was sitting at our table, i mean i know the reason but he just loved starting early, we walked over to the table and sat down but me being me sat on the table

“bro can you move”

“my dude you at our table”

“tables don’t have your name on it”

“ty it’s to early to be fucking with me right now”

“so sit down and be cool then”, so i decide to sit down an i took his cheesecake and ate it, i was looking at deck and he was falling asleep so i decide to scare him and that was a bad idea, i screamed and since he reacted so fast started to pull air from the whole room we was in, making everyone collapse from lack of air

“bro deck relax now”

I can’t i don’t know what i did”

“just release the air, relax”

I can’t i don’t know how”

“wait, but how did you pull air from one room but your blocking air from coming in”

“I don’t know, your father didn’t explain this shit”

“how are we still alive

“were immortal remember”


“deck you have to release the air or all these people are going to die even though I wouldn’t care”


“just relax, close your eyes and just releases”, it was taking him a very long time to release the air in this room, he started to release the air slowly but surely, when all the air was out, he ran out, so of course we followed him but then the bell rang and I knew we weren't going to make it to 1st period and i bet Bradly is made as fuck at me for leaving him at school but i mean it was an emergency.

“I don’t know what happened”

“it’s your powers”

“yeah, their growing, it begins from taking air from one bodies, then a room and then next who knows ”

“so is that a good thing or bad thing”

“both but mostly bad if you don’t control”


“so since were in the bathroom where it’s hella water, Chris it’s your turn, amber go lock the door”.

“You ready”


“go for it”, it took a minute before one of the sinks water was pour out but I wasn’t impress, “that’s it”, he ignored me and made the other three sinks, “ok, Chris that’s enough”, he was in a trans and couldn’t hear, “Chris”, the four toilets started to pour out water then the two urinals started to flood, amber tried to slap him out of it but it didn’t work, “why the fuck is the water building up”,

“I don’t know it should be leaving out the door”

“go see then”, she went to go see why the water wasn’t going, “he’s not letting it”

“deck try something”


“I don’t fucking know”

“when i was in the trans i couldn’t hear nothing, it’s like the powers was taking over”

“well we might as well get comfortable, we can’t drown and he have to ran out sooner or later”

“ima be late for my class” amber yelled

“we could just skip and go straight to biology”

“true, I'm down with that but then we skipping history and lunch

“I'm not I have to go to gym or couch going to kill us”

“right, but i mean we are vampires we can just poof outta here”

“right but poof where”

“the janitor closet”

“bet, somebody grabbed him and i get shawn, bet, beat yall there”, blinking was so interesting one minute I’m there and then next I’m here, shit was awesome , “yall are some cheaters, I had a 160 pound man in my arms”

“how you get him in that position”

I knocked him out”

“you not that strong”

“you want to see”

“nah I’m good”

“we should rob a bank after we done with our meeting”

“im down”, “same”

“I’m not, what if one of us lose our watches and get shot at and die”

“then you just die, duh”


“don’t worry sis, if i get shot just take the money and put it in the house we have powers lets use them for whatever”


“and anyways dad said are elements connects us with creatures from the past”

“what you mean”

“you will see when, we go to the cemetery”, i opened the door and seen some little boy in a green shirt running away like he was listening to our whole conversation, “hope he don’t snitch”,

“right, find out who that was deck and shawn but hurry back for 2nd period”

“ok”. We walked to the gym and Chris started to wake up, “look who’s back”, “damn how long i have been out”

“for 3 hours”

“damn for real”

“yeah but I’ll teach yall how to control it”

“rick you don’t even know your power”

“yeah i do, the watch told me”, “she told you some of your powers”

“well let’s try them”,

“well you get to try them outside since that’s where everyone will be practicing”

‘what if I sat someone on fire or open the ground up”

'' I don't know” I said laughing, we walked into the gym and seen deck and Shawn holding the boy I seen and of course it’s someone I know, “look who it is”

“I'm going to the cops and tell them what you're going to do”

“if you do that we would have to kill you drake, be smart”

“I am smart, smarter then you”

“then you will know you won’t go to the cops and if you do they won’t believe you cause my father was once their sheriff”

“you think no one can touch you”

“they can’t now”.

“Aye let my brother go”, and of course here comes his two siblings to the rescue, “why are you two holding him”

“cause i told them too”

“rick tell them to let him go”

“naw until he tells me he won’t say shit about what he heard”

“what did you hear”

“that's none of your business”

“it is my business cause he’s my brother”

“they were talking about robbing a bank and meeting at a cemetery”, he said.

“why the fuck would these dumb as kids rob a bank”

“cause they have powers or someshit”,

“alright bro, i think you need to go to sleep”

“Jordan I’m serious”

“Ok bro, let’s go”, our couches yelled to tell us to change but Jordan stopped and he wanted to talk to me about something, “aye sorry about my brother”

“it’s cool” I said lying not wanted to have these conversations

“but is it true?”

“is what true”, I laughed in my head,
“you robbing a bank”

“you’ll see on the news”

“aye bro, you don’t gotta do this”

“um why not, I’m getting free money”

“im guessing your robbing the biggest bank in the state”

“yes, yes we are”

“damn, ok good luck to you”

“meh”, i walked away annoyed cause this nigga didn’t care about me first you beat me up and dragged down the stairs then your boys jump me in the bathroom and you tried to be all caring and shit, naw, my revenge still coming just not now, maybe tomorrow, i ran to the locker room and changed and i heard coach yelling at me since i was the last dude to get changed.

“Why are you the last one out”

“cause someone wanted to talk to me”

“hurry up and get on the field”, I ran on the field and  got in positions, “rick”


“can i tell you something”


“your sister asked me out again”, my mind went blank and once the couch blow the wrestle I tackled his ass to the ground and of course my team made the touchdown, “good job right team, left team get your shit together, two more times then hit the showers”, we did it two more times and each time i put him on his ass cause why the fuck would she ask this bitch as loser out again after they broke up and after this nigga talked about us and got us in trouble she want to go back out with him.

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