#6: -𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜- (1/3)

273 5 15

Warnings: Angst, Some scenes are song based

I was bored and decided to do smthing (I also recommend listening to 'Atlantis' by Seafret while reading this cause why not

Madeleine Pov.

I didn't want to end this one particular walk.

I walk straight into the forest, leaves rustling behind me as the wind blows colder and harsher. I didn't care either, all I wanted to do was to visit him. Flowers in my hand, all kinds of flowers. Roses, orchids, lilies, everything.

He deserved all the care and love, I'm sorry for everything Espresso. I walked around the forest, and I saw our hiding spot. It's all smashed into the ground, broken and the blanket has been dirty. The place where we planted our plants together, the plant grew. I stepped closer into it, Espresso's name and mine was carved into the soil. I chuckled, tears started to fall down my eyes. I wiped the tears with my sleeves and stood up again. I continued walking as I kept seeing the places where we hung out. He left me, he broke our promise that we will stay together until both of us die.

The birds chirped, rain started to fall out of the sky. I kept walking ignoring the rain, it started to go heavier and I still didn't care.

Espresso once told me he likes the rain because it was so peaceful, i admired him so much... Even though its wrong, i want to fucking marry him. I want to live with him freely, no forced marriage and any other stuff. My destination was pretty far and this is the fastest route to go into it, but it's filled with our loving memories, both happy and hot at once. A tear started to shed out of my eye, I wiped it again, sighing. Holding back my sadness, I had to witness it in front of me. My heart broke when I saw him in that guy's arms. He cried in front of me, calling me. Screaming and whispering the only word, "I'm sorry." I was feeling so angry. I wanted to punch the hell out of that guy but didn't. I didn't do anything.

Rain was pouring harder, I kept walking, i stared at the way blankly like a zombie. Tears started to fall down my eyes hitting the ground making marks on my cheeks. I was once the happiest person in the kingdom, now, it's all gone. If only I was being so careful, everything would be alright. Espresso wouldnt leave me, I would be cuddling with him.

I missed him, I missed his voice, his face, his smile and his laughter. I missed every single thing about him, I would KILL just to be with him again. Raspberry says, "It's alright, you can find another guy." But all I wanted was Espresso, Espresso only and no one else.

My mom arranged an arranged marriage for me, so I ran away from home. That's why i'm here, finding Espresso.

I reached a hill, i saw him, sitting into the grass. I joined him. I looked into him, he was looking up the dark sky. He was looking a little sad. Oh my god, i feel it in the air. I felt like i was dying from happiness. He looked at me and spoke quietly, "Madeleine, you know i will never ever forget you... right?" He said looking at the ground. I chuckled slightly, "Ofcourse!, we can run away now. Lets run away... together." I replied with a comforting smirk as i gave him the flowers. He smiled and smelled it, he looked back at me, smiling. I caressed his brown hair, placed a kiss on his lips putting both of my hands on his cheeks. He kissed back and held both of my hands with his. He smiled, but he suddenly became sad again. He stood up, i stood up too. "Whats wrong?" I asked, he looked at me. He gulps down and made a forced soft grin.

"Madeleine, how about we play a game?" He said, I smiled. "Sure! What game?" I replied, he went closer to me, "Tag, you're it." He says as he giggles and runs away. I chuckled, "Hey! That's not fair!" I said smiling, I ran after him. He was fast but I kept seeing glances of him, we ran far enough as he disappeared. I stopped smiling, "Espresso?" I said in a confused and worried tone, no answer. I stood up, looking around circles. I saw a glimpse of him far away looking at me. I chuckled and ran over there, no signs of Espresso. But there were glasses, broken ones. I picked it up and as I was about to stand up, I noticed something. I went closer and dusted it out, that's where I saw it.

A grave. "Prince of the Caffeine Kingdom" was written on it. But no, I saw him. I saw him. Tears started coming out of my eyes until that day flashed again. He was stabbed directly into his heart with one of the guards as it was ordered by the king and queen. I stayed silent, tears fell down my eyes.

I felt the cold breeze into my skin. The rain stopped, I stood up and smiled above. I sigh, I took something out of my pocket, it was Espresso's half pen with half knife. I placed it on my neck, cutting it or basically slicing it. Blood started to flow out of my neck, I closed my eyes in pain as I fell down, my blood dripped into Espresso's grave.

"I can't save us, mi amor. Please, let us be together this time, my lord."

I said as I closed my eyes, feeling like i was drifting away from the human world.


first proper angst story? Yey Lol dont judge me its my first time writing angst. And also i missed one of my loyal reader, if you see this pls vote i love you sm </333
also this is very cringe dont bash me as i said its my first time writing angst huhu

Word count (Including this outro): 1028

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