Chapter 11

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Summer turned away from the cell door, looking hurt. She curled up on her bed, and I heard soft sniffles. I felt bad for her. Her entire world had just been turned upside down. First, she was working along side a powerful man, and now she was locked away with a no good girl. Me.

I walked over to her and hugged her, knowing how she felt. I felt the same way when I was taken here. Heck I still felt the same way. Summer sprung up with surprise, but once she saw it was me, she relaxed again.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I wanted to save you, I really did. But instead I got my self locked up, and you still in here."

I nodded, willing her to continue. She choked on her sobs, her body shaking. Her face was streaked with tears. I let go of her and gently sat next to her on the bed.

"I had once been like you. I was locked away, being tested on everyday. It was terrible. But then, one day, John came to me. He said that his assistant had been killed and that he needed a new one. And of course, I immediately took the job. I wanted to be free. I was excited to be free. I wanted to never want to be part of their tests again. When I first started testing on you, I was fueled with happiness. But, their was something about you that sparked in me. You looked like my youngest sister. That brought me back into reality. I realized that what I was doing was wrong. So very wrong. So, I wanted to save you for my own selfishness. I wanted to save you, because it felt like I was saving my youngest sister. And now here I am, locked in here and you aren't free. I am so sorry."

I nodded.

"Will you tell me about your family?"

That seemed to make her choke up even more. Her body shook violently and tears streamed down her face. I was about to apologize when she nodded and took a deep breath.

"My oldest sister had brown hair with blonde streaks. She also had bright green eyes. She was always happy and probably the best leader one could ever ask for. Her name was Spring. I am next in line. I am Summer, by the way," She said

"I caught that when John was here," I state.

"My sister below me was Autumn. She had red hair and green eyes that reminded us of fall. She was very sweet, but shy. My last sister was Winter. She had blonde hair and blue eyes that look just like yours. She was 13 when I was taken. How old are you?"


"Just like her," she sniffled.

"You act just like her. Your eyes are just like hers. You seem to be her reincarnated. That's the reason why I had to save you."

"Thank you"

"But I failed."

"Don't worry about it."


Her body was racked with sobs as a new wave of sadness washed over her. I sat their awkwardly, trying to calm her. She still cried, but I really didn't care at this point. I was tired, and so many new things have happened. Even more, Summer seemed to trust me. And that meant so much to me.

I was apparently just like her sister. And that was why she was trying to save me. In my eyes, that was selfless and special. But in her eyes, it was selfish and just for her own good. But I decided that I shouldn't correct her. I would let her believe what she wanted. And I would believe what I wanted.

I stand and walk back over to my bed. Perhaps some sleep would help. And if Chloe kept on coming back in my dreams, then maybe I could talk to her. Consult her and ask her for help. She would understand. And hopefully she wouldn't be upset about me this time.

"I'm sorry I failed you"

I look up.

"I wanted to save you for my own good. And I failed. I'm so sorry Winter."

I didn't know what to say. Her brilliant green eyes were trained on mine, but they seemed hazy, off in the distance, thinking about anything but the present.

"Please. I am Marina.'

She blinked and the haze cleared.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Sorry, Marina. It's just that you-"

"I know, I know. It's ok. Now then. You should probably get some rest. That will suit you best."

"Ok," she said.

We both curled up in bed wearing our super uncomfortable prisoners clothes. Or, at least, that's what they seemed like. As far as I knew, I was prisoner to random people who had a sick sense of humor. And tested on innocent souls.

"He'll be back," she whispered.

"Who?" I ask, confused.

"John. I know him. He won't give up that easily. That's just the way he is. He'll do anything, whole or broken. He's coming. And when he does, no one is safe."


"His last name explains it all. Most know him as Dr. Mal."

"And...why is this bad?"

"Because in Spanish, Mal means evil. I feel as if he was destined to be this way. That he wanted to fulfill his last name. To be evil and to treat man-kind like lab rats."

I nodded. Poor Summer had to be going crazy right now. But despite how insane she seemed, it was nice to finally not be alone anymore. Maybe once she got used to cell life again, she would go back to her normal smartness, and we would find an escape. Just maybe.

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