Trouble maker.

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Forever and Always.
Chapter ten.


I woke up the next morning in Tony's arms, muffled talking was heard but I couldn't be bothered to concentrate on that. Until Tony realised I was awake I lifted my head up and smiled softly at my daddy. I then turned to where the noise was and saw Brooklyn-99 on. I instantly sat up and bounced in my seat on the bed.

Tony chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair, "I called your work, you're not going in today." He said and I hummed, "Okay! Thank you." He smiled at me softly and kissed my temple. "You're welcome, pumpkin." I continued to watch the show when I realised something. "What about you!" I turned to face Tony and he looked at me a little confused but after a second he figured out what I was talking about, "Oh! I called them as well. I am the boss anyways, I'm sure they will be fine for a few days." I nodded and turned back at the tv.

I rested in Tony's arms, concentrating on Holt and Jake making a plan to escape the prison, it was the scene where they were fighting but the sheriff wasn't going in. So, they kissed and that's when they got out. I laughed at a few of the scenes when suddenly a tap on my thigh got my attention. "Baby boy, we need to get some food in your tummy." I whined and kicked my legs forwards. "Nooo!" Daddy gave me a stern look and turned off the tv. "Come on, Isa. You need to eat," Daddy reasoned and i simply crossed my arms, pouted and sat still. Daddy moved to stand up and raised a brow at me, "Come on, Baby." I shook my head and sat criss cross on the comfy bed. "No!" I turned my head and daddy sighed. He gave me another stern look before saying, "I'm going to count to 3. If you are not by my side in that time, you're going in time out." I shook my head and whined. "No!" I shouted and daddy gave me a certain look.

"Okay then." He began, "One." I stuck my tongue out at him, and stayed in the exact position I was in. Pouting, arms crossed and sat in criss cross.

"Two." He counted on. I whined and felt the urge to swear at him, I knew few words in little space from being around people, who didn't know I was little.

"Three." He finished and I smirked mischievously until daddy said something, his voice deeper and more dominating. "Oh, baby. Come here, now." He tapped his foot on the ground impatiently making me want to antagonise him more. So, I sat there. Daddy chuckled, "Isaac. You better get your bottom here before you get yourself more than a time out." I knew he was referring to a spanking so I quickly got up and went to Daddy's side.

"Good boy." I smiled at the praise and skipped to the kitchen. "After you've had your cookie crisp, you are going in time out for 10 minutes." I frowned and whined. "But Daddy!" He raised a brow, "Fifteen minutes, maybe?" He warned and I cowered, "Nuh uh! Isa sorry, Daddy!" Daddy ruffled my hair, "Daddy forgives you, but you don't argue with daddy. You need to eat and you refused."

Daddy gave me my cookie crisp and I soon finished it but I was then put in boring time out. I groaned quietly and kicked the wall slightly, after what felt like years. Daddy's voice was heard, "Baby, you can come out now!" He came up to me and I smiled happily. "Now, do you know why you were in time out?" He asked and I hummed. "mhm. I back talked, i didn't listen to daddy. I also didn't answer verbally.." I muttered and he smiled, "Good boy." Daddy opened his arms up indicating he wanted a hug so I ran into them and he picked me up. We cuddled for a few minutes and I knew daddy wasn't mad at me anymore.

He soon put me down and kissed my head, "Can you behave for daddy, whilst he goes on a call with his friend?" He asked and hummed. "Yep! Isa cans be good!" Daddy smiled and ruffled up my hair, making me pout, "My good boy." He smiled, "Also, get dressed whilst I'm in there, okay?" I nodded and replied with an 'okay'. Daddy then walked off to my bedroom and I went to my bedroom as well, to grab my clothes. Daddy concentrated on me and smiled softly at the outfit I had picked out.

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