Chapter Six(LAST CHAPTER): Burn

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DISCLAIMER: I got a bit lazy, so this is going to hold a bunch of stuff in it! It will also move rather quickly.

It has been a few days since Emma told Eddie about all the things Jason did to her...Eddie fell into his addiction again, and soon, he had gotten caught not only selling it, but using it...His friends dropped him for that. He was taken out of class by the cops, he resisted, and everyone looked at him, Emma had no clue about what was happening at the time, she didn't know Eddie was even taking them. One officer pulled him and Eddie complied by now, he let himself be taken and walked down the school, his arms behind his back with handcuffs on, he was high at the moment, which definitely helped with his pleading, right? WRONG. 

Eddie was taken to a small jail, one where he could be bailed out. Eddie was visited by his uncle, his uncle couldn't afford to bail Munson out, so he felt really bad...Once Wayne left Eddie just sat down and leaned his head against the wall.

A few hours had passed, and Eddie's horrible tweaked thoughts, started to run, he could barely breathe, he clenched his fists, and he thought about what had happened to Emma, he was angry that he wasn't there to even see her, much less protect her, he didn't want Jason to see her, hell...He didn't want Jason here. He flinched when he heard the cell door open and an Officer pull Eddie up and shove him out, Eddie met his eyes with; Emma...A smile darted onto his face but quickly faltered seeing her just pull him along, Emma didn't speak, it scared Eddie, but he knew Emma, he knew she wasn't mad. 

Emma pushed Eddie into the front seat and got in herself, starting to drive she spoke up "Ed's, seriously? How could you get caught like that? Fuck, my parents are so gonna kill us...Eddie, I'm in deep shit..They fucking found out I didn't go to Bella's, they found out what had happened when you know- You snuck in...And now I'm bailing you out, I'm dead...and plus, they told me- that Jason wanted to get back with me and I really don't want to, obviously...But they're serious, they said I would have to get married to Jason since I supposedly gave myself to him...They don't believe my rape story, and I don't know what to do, Jason is supposed to come over today and I'm- I'm fucking terrified, Eddie." She said all that in a ramble making Eddie have to squint, and process it in his head, so much has happened in the past month, Eddie sighed and ran his hand down Emma's cheek, holding her hand lightly as he spoke up "Well- I fucking hate your parents, they're such cunts, and Jason!? Why the fuck-" He stopped himself since he was already very angry. "Stay at my place tonight," Eddie said.

Soon they arrived at Eddie's and Eddie began to get curious and asked Emma questions about her parents not believing her and why they invited Jason over, he grew angrier, hell- He felt his eye twitch.

A few hours later Eddie let that anger take over him, soon enough he looked at Emma and pulled her up. "I'm killing that stupid fucking Jason." Emma knew Eddie was serious, and she was ready to comply with Eddie, She didn't care, she wanted to watch Jason burn...She nodded, bodily...Eddie gave a surprised look, he didn't expect her to actually be okay with all this, he then shrugged and took her to his mustang, soon they got in, Emma told Eddie the address and Eddie had to ask her a few more times, since he was kind of bad at remembering that, he then looked at her when he parked at Jason's house, he spoke up "Emma, We're probably going to get caught, I'm telling you right fucking now." He said, his voice serious and Emma looked at him "I don't care...Light the fucker up." Emma said, and that earned her a smirk and a soft kiss against her lips. Eddie nodded, pulling a cigarette out as Emma stayed in the car...Eddie lit his cigarette and popped the trunk open, grabbing the bottle of gasoline he had and starting his way to Jason's house, he turned and winked at Emma, as he walked, smoke flew past his face...Eddie walked up and knocked on Jason's door, cigarette in mouth and the bottle of gasoline in the other, Jason opened the door, and saw Eddie, Eddie was smirking, he soon slammed the door, but Eddie caught the door, shoving it back open as he walked slowly towards Jason, who was running up the stairs, soon Eddie tripped Jason, setting the gasoline down he blew smoke out of his mouth, he then pulled Jason up, punching him in the face, fuck it felt so good, he kept giving Jason hits, that's when Jason started to scream like he made Emma scream, Eddie smirked once more and looked at him, bringing Jason's face closer "Don't act like you don't like this...You wanted this." Eddie said, Eddie quoted what Jason said to Emma, Jason's eyes widened realizing what Eddie knew, Jason felt gashes across his body, leaving him pretty limp. but still awake. Eddie reached over and grabbed the gasoline, Jason tried to lift up, but...Eddie had his boot pressing Jason's chest down, Eddie then poured the gasoline across Jason's body, and Jason screamed it burned his cuts, and his eyes, he was squirming and Eddie just kicked Jason's jaw, breaking it, again. Eddie then walked down the stairs, the gasoline trailing down behind him, soon he reached the welcome mat outside, threw the gasoline bottle to the side and took a drag of his cigarette, then flicked it against the house, the gasoline lit up, and screams from Jason were definitely heard, that's when sirens came on, Eddie groaned and ran up to his car seeing that Emma wasn't there, he panicked and decided to get in his car...He figured she was taken by the police, he drove fast down the freeways, and down into a smaller town, he noticed this beautiful blonde being held by a policeman, it was Emma, Emma was screaming at them, Eddie ended up wrecking, his focus was on her, the police recognized the car, it was the car at the crime scene, they soon n noticed Eddie, who was out of the car,  bloody and running, Emma saw him and screamed "EDDIE!" soon she was able to wiggle out of the police's grip, running up to Eddie she looked at him, earning a smile from Eddie...They knew what was going to happen next, Emma looked at Eddie as his body fell to the ground, and a loud bang echoed between Emma's ears, she dropped to the ground and held Eddie looking at him, he was shot in the chest, he just kind of laughed, and She looked down at Eddie, she grabbed his phone, which was black..The police officers thought it was a gun, so...They shot at her, soon hitting her neck...She fell beside Eddie and he looked at her, his eyes widened, and his hand layed on the side of her face...They're breathing was bad, hitching...The sirens grew out of focus...Blue figures walked closer,. Emma was able to look at Eddie, blood was flowing through and down her neck, and she was trying to scream...She felt Eddie's hand go still...and his eyes closed, she looked at him, and soon enough she reached for him...but was stopped short by death taking her, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

The feeling of dying wasn't scary for Emma, she felt calm, and at peace...She knew she could finally be with him for an actual eternity...She could be with, Eddie Munson; the freak.


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