Food Plans

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The afternoon light shone through the curtains, giving the living room a warm glow, slowly easing us both out of a heavy sleep. Bai He on my chest, groaning at the sun shining in her face, she buried her head into my chest as I stroked her hair. It felt good to have her back, to wake up next to her as she often had nightmares and would sneak into my room to sleep with me. Waking up alone these past few days was rather depressing, and often led to more tears falling down my face, replacing the ones I had cried before I fell asleep.

I was lost in the painful memories before I felt Bai He raise her head to look at me, her eyes were big, and absolutely adorable. She stared at me, looking into my eyes for a while before I noticed a line of drool coming from her mouth. She must have not noticed it was there because she gave me a confused look once I started giggling. I looked down at my shirt where a small puddle of drool sat, and her eyes followed.

"Someone slept well, eh?"

As soon as she saw it, her face went a little red and she shyly wiped the saliva off of her face, her features in a slight pouty face. I chuckled before picking her up in my arms and carrying her over to the kitchen island. I placed her gently on the stool before I got some pans out.
"I know it's too late for breakfast but would you like some eggs and bacon?"

I turn to her with the pans in my hands. She nodded sleepily while trying to rub the tired out of her eyes.

I walked over to the fridge doors, looking at her most recent test scores magnetized to the fridge. 14/ 25, 19/30 and 5/10. She can do well, she just has a hard time focusing.. That was partly my fault for goofing off with her so much that she gets bored easily. She even got ballsy enough to pull a prank on one of her teachers, she said they were giving a boring lecture about lunches and being respectful so she sneaked up and put a plastic cupcake on her desk. And the teacher must have been blind to have actually tried to take a bite out of it, or just really dumb to have not noticed that the cupcake wasn't soft. But she bit into it anyway and ended up chipping a tooth.

I don't like scolding her, but getting a call from the school while I was in the middle of work wasn't exactly pleasant. She had to leave school early that day, and I did lecture her about it but she ultimately felt proud of herself. She was a really shy and timid child before turning 7, she always had a hard time making friends, but she met one boy, and she was someone else at school. But I'm happy she's getting out there at least.

I turned the stove on medium for the eggs and bacon, waiting for the butter to melt in one pan before cracking an egg in it, and putting 4 strips of bacon in the other pan. The sizzling sound became louder than the sounds of construction outside, I didn't exactly stay around to figure out what had happened after I was freed from that ice shard, I was preoccupied.

While popping a couple pieces of toast in the toaster oven, I began to observe some of the construction workers outside, along with the rubble. It wasn't overly extreme, just a few buildings with a couple of holes in them.

But as I looked out my window, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Looking over at it, they looked like a pair of eyes, but they were only one color, purple. I didn't get to study the eyes for long before they disappeared. I didn't think much of it, maybe it was just a cat. A really weird purple one eyed, injured cat.

I felt a tug on my shirt, looking down I saw Bai He and she had found her favorite stuffy, it was a small fluffy black cat. I warned her not to come by the stove due to the bacon grease spewing everywhere. She backed up a little bit.
"Can I have some chocolate milk please?"

She asked me, eagerly waiting for an answer. Today was her day, all about her, she came back to me after all, so of course, I said yes. She thanked me and opened the fridge door to find some chocolate milk, while she did that I got 2 cups from the cupboards. She sat back up onto the island and poured the drinks while I started plating our food. Bai He didn't really like the crusts and preferred her eggs scrambled, so I did just that and placed her bacon on her plate. Then put my eggs on top of my toast along with my bacon on the side. I brought the plates to the island and grabbed some forks.

Bai He eagerly grabbed her food and fork, looking down at the plate she began to giggle. I was busy putting the pans in the sink when I turned around, curious about what she was laughing about. She pointed out that It looked like a face, with the toast slices as the eyes, the scrambled eggs and the nose and the bacon as the mouth.
"Huh, It does look like a face. Good eye!" I complimented, to which she gave back a sassy remark while flipping her hair jokingly. It made me so happy to see her happy as well.

We both began eating, I was watching her eat and she practically scarfed her food down like it was nothing. Had she been eating anything while she was gone? Suddenly the happy feeling I was feeling is gone now.
"Hey, Wanna go out and eat somewhere? Considering you look like you're still hungry"
I asked Bai He. She finished her chocolate milk before speaking.
"Yes please. Can I choose the place?" her voice was soft and quiet when she asked, was she being shy? I chuckled and nodded my head.
"Let's get ready first, I need to shower anyway..." I spoke, noting the smell coming off of me after multiple days of searching and not showering. She agreed and we both headed to our rooms. I grabbed some clean clothes from my drawers and a towel. My room was a bit of a mess due to a few tantrums I had, I'd have to clean this up later... I headed to the bathroom, changing out of my clothes and putting them in the laundry basket before I heard a knock on my bathroom door.

"Can I come in? I have to brush my teeth" Bai He asked but I quickly answered "One second okay, I'm not in the shower yet" I said before stepping into the bathtub and closing the shower curtains, I turned the water on and told Bai He she could come in now. The door opened slowly, as if she was being cautious as to not walk in on my bare body. She started to brush her teeth and I began washing my body, the warm water brought comfort and relief. Once I heard the sink tap turn off and the sound of a toothbrush being put back into the cup, I didn't hear the door, rather I heard the toilet seat close. Bai He sat on the toilet seat, sitting silently before speaking.

"I'm sorry for not coming home..." she apologized, guilt evident in her voice. We were both silent for a second, a thousand thoughts running through my head before soap managed to get in my eye from the shampoo on my head. I cried out in pain before running my eye under the water.
"It isnt- fuck ow! It isn't your fault. Don't apologize for going missing, where did you go anyway?"

After I asked that, there was only silence for a good minute and I felt afraid I had said the wrong thing, or said it too soon.

"H-Hey, you don't have to say anything yet. Let's just go and eat alright, I've gotta get out now." All I heard was the door opening and closing as I turned off the water. I opened the shower curtain, grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked towards the sink whipping the mirror with my hand. The bags under my eyes seemed very visible, this week has not been very kind to me...

I walked over to my bedroom, got dressed and dried my hair. I looked pretty okay, I still looked pretty tired so I walked over to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. I noticed Bai He wasn't in the living room, so she must have been in her room. "Ugh... I must have upset her...". I went to check on her but I stopped after I heard her speak.
"I'll be okay mister" She spoke, and just like before, I heard a voice but could not make out any words. I started to panic, so I twisted the door knob and rushed in
"Okay Bye Mister!" She waved out the window as I walked in. She looked over at me and smiled, seemingly in a better mood. I looked from her back to the window, my face turning into one of confusion.
"Who were you talking to?" I asked, pointing towards the window. She responded with a 'Nobody sis'.
"Mhmmm... sure. Well you ready?" I asked, walking over to the window and shutting it rather aggressively.

She nodded, walking out of the door towards where her shoes are and putting them on. I did the same, still thinking...

'Who the hell was that?'

a work in progress

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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