• I'll Give If You Need •

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Content warnings - Sex from a sex repulsed dude's point of view for 309 words

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   Osiris Donavan's teeth were buried into flesh, drawing the deliciously dreadful taste of metallic blood. The delightful excitement that spread all over their body elicited a crying sound from the boy under them, boxed to the bed. Their corse, beautiful hair rubbed against their face, his head tilted back with gasping breaths.

  Ambrose Mallory couldn't think straight. His fingers clawed as a pair of bloodied black wings, his breath uneven and hitching with every movement. He let out a choked noise.


  "I know," They mumbled, kissing his temple. "I know, Ambrosia."

  Ambrose shuttered, pulling Osiris down to them with a greedy desperation that almost repulsed them. They reached a hand up and gripped the satin sheets above Ambrose's head. "Fucking hell, Ambi—"

  "Shut up," Ambrose sounded weak like this, lifting his head.

  The kiss almost hurt. Osiris felt the disdain in their gut grow, a choking feeling of error clawing at them. They pushed against Ambrose, forcing his head into the pillows.

  They didn't feel real. Their separation felt surreal, staring at the movement from the corner of the room, their wings wrapped protectively over their exposed body. They felt every piece of their being shatter, stabbing at their soft tissues with a screaming demand to end this. To rid of themself of this filth that coated their skin like a thick blanket, infecting their open wounds.

  They nearly threw up when Ambrose grabbed their hair.

  They weren't sure why they did this. Why they let themself do something that made them feel disgusting. Filthy. They felt like every time this happened, more dirt was added to the collection until there is nothing but dirt. Until they are nothing bit filth and disgust and loathing.

  They hated this.

  But whatever Ambrose needed and wanted, they'd give.

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