Chapter One

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I woke up in the hospital, Mal and Katie were there waiting for me to wake up.  I think my parents were in the waiting room. I couldn’t exactly see. But i could hear.

“I didn’t mean to scare her adn make her collapse.”
“Well you did you idiot! Why are you even here? And whats your name again?”
“Mal… And i’m here for her. I left her once and im not going to leave her again.”
“Has she ever told you about her past?”
“Actually no... Why?"
"Oh so she never brought me up?"

"No... But she always did talk about this one guy, never gave me a name though. I guess they used to climb trees and hang out in the woods. Or some stuff like that."

"So she did talk about me... Just didn't bring up my name..."
"Wait... So that kid that she is always  talking about is you?"
"Well, I guess..."

Mal was standing by me, I could feel his hand brushing the hair off my face. It felt so good to know that he was alive. He left me one day. Just standing their. He said he would be back soon. But he never showed. My parents didn't know him. Well tahst because I knew him before I was adopted. We met in the orphanage. We used to sneek around, and scare the other kids. I wish we could do that again. He brought up so many memories that I pushed to the back if my mind.

"I felt so bad leaving her... But I had no other way, I just wanted her to be safe."
"Safe from what?"
"Me, and the things after me..."
"If theres some one after you tell the police."
"No! Only Sarah can help me."

He grabbed my hand tightly. Just the feel of him and me want to cry. I could feel the tears bubbiling up around the bottom of my eye. I tried to make the tear stop from rolling down my skin, but I couldn't.

"Huh!? Sarah!? I know you can hear me. Speak to me! I'm sorry for leaving you."

I yanked my hand away from him. The tears just came down harder. I just remember standing there for hours by the tree in the meadows, waiting there for Jim to come back. And he never did. I cried till my tear dux were empty that night. But I had to get down rest, for the next day I was being adopted.

"You left me you trader! You promises me you would be right back! You promised! You lied to me you double crossing back staber!"
"Sarah! Calm down. Mal go tell her parents that shes alright... Well awake..."

He got up right away and went to go get them. When he left, Katie came by my side and wiped away the tears from my face. She was always there for me. Any time I needed her. My parents came in, right away hugged me, and asked me if I was alright.

"Mom, I'm alright. I just want to go to Katie's house and for get this all happened. All of it."

When I said 'All of it' I stared at Mal. Telling him that I wanted to forget that we talked. And that he never returned.

"Are you sure sweet heart?"

My dad asked me. And I nodded yes, telling him my answer with out actually talking.

"Ok, just be careful,
She turned to Katie.

"If any thing happens, anything at all you call and tell me ok?"
"I will. I promise."

My mom looked very relief, she knew she could always count on Katie to be there for me. That's one of the best reasons for having her as my 'sister'.

We stayed there for a little bit longer. My parents dropped me and Katie off. And Mal well, I don't know where he went. On the car ride home it was absolutely silent. But it was extremely loud in my head. So many thoughts going back and forth. Its giving me a head ache. I was relieved that Mal was alright. But I think I was just frightened about whats going to happen next. Katie kept asking me about what had happened, I gave her very vague, short answers. Its been about a week since Mal returned. I went back to school, did my normal routine. But something was off, it felt like a piece of my heart was missing. A month later school let out, and it was summer. The pain in my heart just became a normal thing for me to block out. I basically for got that the whole thing happened. Katie and I were hanging out with Jake and Axel out in the field, after school let out, and summer started.

We were hanging out, but then I got bored, and I wasn't really in the conversation. So I walked away and went to go sit in the shade, that the oak tree was providing. I felt empty and alone. Like no one on the world could understand this feeling. Or even help me understand the feeling my self.

"Hey... Are you alright?"

It took me a minute to recognize the voice. It was hard to because the voice seemed very faint. I looked to see who it was. And too my surprise it was Mal. I immediately jumped up on my feet and smiled. I felt like a clone. Just standing there and smile, like I'm stupid or something.

"Yes..." I whisper back

"Now that your here..." I said a little bit louder that time.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I wasn't going to faint this time. He raped his arms around me. And hugged me back. I started to cru again. I missed him so much a dn now he's finally here and I don't know how to deal with it. It hie to understand but all that I know is that he's here and he needs my help. And of course I am going to help him with his problems. I love him, and hes my best friend I can't let him down. Not now, not ever. The day I let him down is that day I die...

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