Chapter One: Pre-Exam Contemplations

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A world of heroes and villains. A world that is doomed to chaos and no self control from the start. In such a world, balance is something that is highly sought, and hardly achieved. The next day is never garenteed for anyone, no matter how comfortable the life of one may appear from the outside.

Sandra lived in a relatively comfortable, but small apartment with her sisters. Sadie and Sasha were both Sandra's world.

Sandra was a smaller girl. Short bobbed hair, white in color. Her left eye was blue and the other was a strange, bright yellow color. Overall, her height was almost laughable, but her height usually worked to her advantage in some way. She was a bit pudgy, but hey, it helped her stay warm during winter, so why complain?

Sadie was similar to Sandra in height. However, her hair was longer, and tied back; accompanied by the fact that she was slimmer. Sadie had experienced an accident when she was younger- though.. strangely... none of the girls could remember what happened to her. The right side of her face had a huge, strange scar over it- on top of the fact that the very eye the scar covered was now mostly blind.

Sasha was the bigger female of the three. A shaved head with some hair- the hairstyle would likely be considered a half and half. Sort of punk-ish minus the main punk aesthetic. Sasha, ironically, had damage to the left side of her head. One of her eyes was also blind, and covered with a cloudy lense that made her eye look white. Her one good eye was red.

In this society, all three girls struggle to keep themselves afloat. Once the opportunity to join the hero program rose, they all contemplated the idea with each other. The night was cool, and calm. Cars cruise by on the street, letting out a low hum as their motors expelled warm smoke into the cool night air.

"Are you sure joining the Hero Course would even be a good idea? We are all still struggling to get through middle school." Sandie sat down on the curb, bringing her hair over her shoulder as she fiddled with it uncomfortably. "Sandra has struggling grades, and you are still trying to get over your bad track-record of having a sharp object in school- Sasha."

The taller, more beefy girl sighed, before sitting down next to the smaller sibling.

"You and I both know that I was not the one who brought the knife to school Sadie. However, there is no getting that off my record, because we have no parents to prove us innocent." Sasha sighs before looking to the grass sticking out from between two slabs of concrete on the sidewalk.

"Yeah. I know. Sandra doesn't really seem to care. She is mostly impartial to everything we have mentioned. I don't know what to think so far." Sadie huffed, before crossing her arms, her scarf covering the majority of her chest. It was cold outside, especially to her. She was smaller, and skinnier, it would be expected of course.

"What about me?" Sandra walked over, carrying three glasses filled with tomato juice. She grinned to the other siblings, before handing them their own beverages. "You know, it's rude to talk about someone behind their back. My ears are just burning up." She sat down on the same lip of he sidewalk, before leaning back into the wall of the apartment building they were outside of.

"Not much to be honest. Sasha and I were both talking about... y'know... the hero course in all." Sadie sighed. "I am not sure about it, but Sasha really wants to join..." Sadie tapped her fingers on her chin. "I am not too good at using my quirk yet. I want to learn how to use it more..."

Sandra looked to the side, before sighing a little. She contemplated a bit, before biting her lip. Sandra seemed nervous, if nothing else. However, after a huff and a bit more silent arguing with herself- the blue clad sibling gave in and let out a moan wavering moan of disapproval. "I mean, you have a point... we are all struggling to use our quirks. We all don't know why we can't use them properly... but... there is no way we are passing the entry exam with how little we can actually handle our own quirks... y'know?"

Sadie nodded, before awkwardly shifting her legs. Sandra did have a point. Even if they did try, all the determination in the world would only take them so far in this world. For the exams to get into their Hero Program, they were likely to compete against the best of the best. Talented students, top picks, other students who could trick their own ways to victory.

Everything would be one obstacle after another.

Undecided, and far from predictable.

At the time all three of them wake up in the hospital, from an explosion that left them all without their memories from before they were 11 years old- everything had been a mess. Struggling to live alone in a house with no parents and keeping up with rent because of odd jobs. Coming to the conclusion that they need to handle quirks that they barely know how to use. Wondering what there was before in their lives that was lost to time...

All of it was tiring.

A sheltered and carefree life was impossible.

A content life of solitude was also impossible.

Sandra didn't know who was the oldest out of the three of them, but she had been functioning as the older sibling for so long, they just accepted her as the voice of reason- and final decision- despite being the least motivated sibling of the bunch. She had the final say.

Who was she to take away from something her younger siblings wanted? Who was she to tell them what they were to and not to do for the rest of their lives when they already lost most the years they lived to an explosion? She couldn't contain them forever, and she didn't want to.

"We... can... try. Okay?" The energetically reserved sibling smiled a big toothy grin, before sweating a little from nervousness. "We can just try. It's something new after all." Sandra put her chin onto her hand, before watching a car pass by in the street. "But... how are we going to get the help to train for next year?"

"That's sort of why I have been asking a lot lately.." Sasha admitted, before gruffly looking at the shorter sister. "I encountered a pro hero... he said he wanted to help train me. He thought my quirk was interesting..." The beefier girl leans into the tree to the immediate right of herself, and rested her head on it. "I mentioned you two as well.. and... he agreed. To train all of us."

Sandra and Sadie looked at each other with a bit of a quirked brow. Both of the girls seemed to get a little tense, but remained calm regardless. Something about it seemed a bit ... perfectly placed?

Sandra let out a deep exhale, before chuckling a bit. She was just overthinking things. The lack of tension from her also seemed to calm down Sadie, so that was a plus. "Hey, hey- as long as we get it done, right? I say we all go together... and we train as hard as we can. We are sure to succeed- because we are an unstoppable trio." She linked her arm over Sadie's shoulder, and struggled to link the other over Sasha's as well- but eventually accomplished it after the taller sibling chuckled and leaned in her direction.

"I think you're right..."

"Now.. let's go get some grub. I made some extra money from work this week. We can eat out. My treat." Sandra grinned.

"You're just wanting to eat out, cause you do most the cooking. Lazy bones." Sadie smiled a little before giggling. She stood up, and adjusted her scarf, before putting her hands in her pockets.

"What can I say, I work all week, and would like a break. Wouldn't we all? Now, where should we go?"

Sasha finally chimed in, her eyes sparkling a bit as she thought of her favorite restaurant. "Can we go to リック・アストリー tonight? I miss the rice and garlic sauce." Sandra laughed a bit, before shaking her head.

"You are missing Mister Rikku Asutorī's cooking, huh?" She smirked, before tilting her head.

Sasha got a little bashful at her previous enthusiasm, and nodded in response to the partial question from the shorter sibling.

"Any objections, Sadie?"

Sadie shook her head no, smiling a little bit at the bigger siblings eagerness. "Let's get going, before it get's too late. It's right down the street." All three of the girls agreed with each other, before they started on their way. The rest of the night was a pleasant few hours of good foods, puns, and a lot of Western Style music.

((To Be Continued))

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