Chapter Two: Yet Another Restart

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The sun was shining down through the windows of UA High School. The room was warm and the Students of Class 1-A are all lightweight chattering as their terminally tired sensei napped between the time the written test they were taking and the end of the class.

There was a knock on the door, with the sound of Aizawa slowly stirring awake from where he lie behind his desk in his yellow sleeping bag. The tired man grunted before standing up and walking to the oak barrier to keep his class away from the outside world. He was tense before, but upon the opening of the door, he settled, seeing the mouse-like principle standing at the doorway.

"Good Afternoon Aizawa. I am glad to see you today." Nezu tucked his arms behind his back as he blinked a couple times. The expression that the strange principle held was one of mischief and interest. That surely meant that the little rodent was up to something. However, Aizawa already knew what was likely to be the topic of this visit.

"Nezu." The tired teacher said in a bit of a bored tone. "Is this about your email earlier this week?"

"Please step out into the hallway with me for a moment. I assure you I will not take much of your time. However, yes it is. Now, remember to not cause any trouble why he is away, students. It will only be a moment." The small principal smiled to the students, knowing well that his expression was enough to tell them to behave themselves or they would be sorry. All of them awkwardly looked away from the door, and went back to what the were doing.

Of course, the black haired man complied and went to the hallway, looking down to the shorter, intelligent mammal of a man.

"So, as we both know, the nearby town has recently endured a major earthquake. This earthquake has managed to knock down a lot of major businesses- as well as tearing down a neighboring hero school- much similar to ours. Built by an impressive. Doctor M. Mazarigne, an established, and intelligent hero- who has built his reputation with his feats- despite being quirkless."

Aizawa started to pay a bit more attention as he had not been invested in the conversation before.

"As you know, being a quirkless hero, on top of a hero school principle is an accomplishment. He has my upmost respect. This is why I offered to take in some of his students. They are a very impressive bunch. Sisters, in fact." Nezu turned to face the taller man, walking backward still, as he tilted his head up toward the tired teacher.

Aizawa refused to say a word thus far, not keen on trying to pry for information he would be given anyways. It was better to let his superior explain what was going on in full detail before asking this, that and the other. "Troublesome." he noted to himself with a bit of a small sigh.

Nezu, in return, only laughed a bit and nodded. "Indeed it is. However, I digress, our society isn't at the point where leisure is a norm. Sadly, these things happen and will continue to happen- whether we like it or not." The rodent principle took a deep exhale, leading Aizawa around the corner- where the office that Nezu resided lie. "Let us go in. The girls are all here right now, actually."

To this, the tired teacher didn't seem surprised in the slightest bit. He simply grunted before putting his hands in his pockets and walking through the door after the mouse-man. There, in the corner of the room where the guest chairs lie, was 3 scholar aged girls. All of them talking among each other, before quieting down at the sight of both the teacher and the mammal guide.

"Sandra, Sadie. Sasha. Welcome to UA High School. Academy of Heroes in Training, and provider of extra-curriculum. This is your new homeroom teacher- Shota Aizawa. You heard me mention him before, yes?" Nezu gestured to Aizawa, smiling as the girls all got up and bowed in respect to the older man. "I know this is all short notice, but you are all welcome here as long as you remain. We do hope to be as comfy as your previous school was."

Sandra stood in front of her siblings, her lazy blue eyes were analyzing the homeroom teacher in front of them. There was notable skepticism, and some doubt, but nevertheless- she plastered a charming, playful grin across her face, and decided to greet her Japanese teacher a very American way.

Walking up to him, she extended out her hand and closed her eyes. "Heya buddy. I'm Sandra." Aizawa stared at her hand for a moment, a bit befuddled, before seeming to recognize the gesture. Despite it being a bit of a universal thing, he just didn't the typical handshake greeting much. Sandra chuckled, before opening her eyes again. "What's the matter? Don't know how to greet a new pal, eh?"

Aizawa sighed, before taking the girls hand to shake it- and just as he went to introduce himself, there was the sound of a small 'pfffpphhlt!' as soon as he firmed his grasp for a handshake.

Sandra started to lightly chuckle, before pulling her hand away. "Ah, the good whoopie bag in the hand trick. Never gets old."

As expected, Aizawa was far from amused. Nezu got a good chuckle out of the antic, though. One person laughing was better than a room full of silence.

"Come on, don't tell me you really used that lame old had-cushion trick on him, Sandra. Have you no shame?" Sasha was laughing from where she sat on the chair, her expression rough and bemused. "I mean, seriously? Really? That was the best you could do?"

Sadie smiled from where she sat, brushing her fingers along within the white hair she had. It was a bit of a nervous gesture, but it was hardly used, or the most part. Up until a couple weeks ago, everyone around her was familiar, an nonthreatening. It was such a different feeling here- where every little thing was different and fresh.

Taken in with the most bothersome fact of all- their home was gone. They were almost gone with it.

"Follow me to class. I will have Present Mic bring in more desks for you three later. Until then, either sit at the back wall with your things, or join another student at their desk after you introduce yourselves."

"You got it." Sandra chuckled before stuffing her hands into her pockets. She closed her eyes and continued to follow Aizawa, her kin soon behind her. She wasn't looking forward to introductions. There was always someone uptight in a situation where she met knew people. She wasn't stuck wondering if it would happen, more she was wondering when.

"I wanna go back to bed." she muttered, continuing to follow their new teacher.

"Aww come on, don't be falling asleep on us now. I don't wanna have to carry you." Sasha laughed, before tightening the strap on her backpack.

"Yeah I know." Sandra grinned. "Let's just get this over with."

Aizawa eventually reached the door of his classroom, slowly pulling it open.

((To Be Continued.))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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