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The next day, the scientists let us go at lunch. When I was about to leave the room, the guards held me back, saying the scientists want me here for one more day. I didn't know why the scientists wanted me but I shrugged and walked back in the cell. I waited for a couple minutes before the doctors came in. They escorted me out of the room and through the building. We talked while we walked.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"We are going to adjust the ability we gave you." One scientist answered. It was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. "Don't worry, it won't hurt." She added when I looked surprised. "We will put you to sleep while we operate and wake you up when we finish."

"Okay." I nodded.

We walked into an operating room where they had a covered table next to a metal bed they put me on. They put a mask over my face and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was back in the room I was in before. I got up with a moan. I felt something on the right side of my face and reached up to touch it. It was a bandage. I felt around for the end of the bandage. Finding it, I unwrapped he bandage. I put it on the bed and felt where the lump was on my head near my eyes that turned on my power only to find a small scar.

Before I could do anything else, the door opened and I was lead to the clearing that my friends and I were tested at. It was only me, Scott, and a couple of soldiers. I stood in front of Scott and watched the soldiers that led me go back in the building.

"X'zaver" Scott said, snapping me back to reality, "we kept you here to make adjustments to your ability we have you. Now you can access your power by first thinking of a light switch. Then you imagine the switch turning on to access it and think of it off to turn it off. Got it?"

I nodded. "Yea."

"Good. Now try it on me." Scott ordered, stepping forward.

I did as I was told and thought of a light switch. I imagined it turning on and felt the power rush through the body. I looked at Scott and made him go up in the air with the wave of my hand. I made him go above the trees before bringing him down gently, I didn't want to hurt someone that didn't do anything.

"Good." Scott praised. "Now that you got a hang of that, you can go back to your beach."

"Okay. Thanks." I nodded.

I follow a couple soldiers into a jeep that takes us to the beach. They drop me off before leaving again. Sense the sun was setting, I walked to the camp fire. I found my friends gathered around the fire eating cooked chicken. They looked up when I walked closer.

"What happened?" Justin asked.

"They made it easier for me to use my ability." I answered.

"That's cool. How do you do that?" Gene questioned.

"I think of a light switch then turn it on to activate it and turn it off to deactivate it." I explained.

"You hungry?" Ryan asked, handing me a plate of chicken.

"Yea. Thanks." I answered, taking the plate.

After I ate, we sang a couple songs before retreating back to our huts for bed. I had a feeling that something big was about to happen.

Unit 15Where stories live. Discover now