#9: -𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚎-

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Warnings: Alcohol many time skips/switch of povs
If you know you know
I was so bored alr and i forgot to update my nishiya fanfic, Is it the time to drop it?

3rd Person Pov.

Madeleine was on the balcony drinking some red wine, thinking about something. Meanwhile the others are inside sleeping.

It was a sleepover by Latte. They all got drunk because they forced everybody to drink. If youre wondering how Madeleine was not drunk, its because he was just watching them.

But the thing that caught his eye the most is Espresso. Espresso was sitting on the corner, he was taking a sip of his beer but he didnt finish it. Latte caught him and dragged him to the others and they- well forced him to drink.

Clover were hesitating at first but then he gave up for the sake of his friends own happiness.Vampire was trying to eat the glass but luckily Alchemist stopped him. Madeleine was making some jokes and everyone laughed. Well, he wasnt even thinking of anything and people just... laughed at him.

While he was making some effortless jokes, Espresso was also looking. Making an annoyed face outside but is secretly enjoying the jokes of Madeleine, therefore he was dying of laughter in the inside.

Espresso pov.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Around 3:45 or 3:35
I checked my phone which is in my pocket to see whats the actual time, and the answer is... well 2:53. I was wrong at both of my answer.

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands which is sticky and i think Latte vomited on me which is disgusting. I went back to the room with all of my 'friends' sleeping. Some at the floor and some at the bed. I sat down at the couch where Latte is sleeping. She was drooling which made me look around from other people

Herb and Sparkling are on the right bed. They are beside eachother. Clover was at the floor making the little cabinet a support for his back. Dark Choco is at the middle of the two beds. Making the right beds side a support and his hand on his stomach, resting. Vampire almost took up all the space on the left bed but Alchemist was at the left bed also. She was near from falling. Cocoa was cuddling with Mint Choco. I wonder if they are a couple. Well they act like one. Almond is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went home? I dont know. Raspberry is at the corner of the left bed, Parfait is at her lap. Cute. Rye, Chilli Pepper, and Madeleine was nowhere to be seen too.

I got bored inside so i went at the balcony just to find Madeleine sitting and drinking some red wine. He didnt noticed me at first so i watched him. He dont look like funny right now. Well, all people have sad and happy moments i can confirm.I think he felt that i was staring at him because he turned his head to me.

"Hey there Ess" he said with a 'normal' grin on his face. "Hey..." i replied "When did you wake up?" He asked. I walked closer to him and sat on the empty chair. "Just a few minutes ago, how bout' you?" I asked, he replied. "I didnt sleep." He said, "Oh." Was the only thing that escaped my mouth. He let out a small chuckle while looking at me. "Want some?" He offered. "Ehhh sure but only a bit." I replied, "But can you get drunk to that?..." i added. He was already pouring me a glass and gave it to me. "Maybe?" He told me after he gave it to me

We drank together and look at the amazing view.
I never knew that Madeleine was into these kind of things. I thought he would have like some energetic things. I looked at him for a few minutes. I can tell he is very attractive. He is also very funny and i love how he makes jokes infront of people. I cant do that. He noticed i was staring and stared back at me with a smirk. "You think i look good? Hmm?" He said, I blushed; "- well, i guess" He let out another small chuckle and looked at the view again. Sipped his wine and looked back at me again

"Im also good in bed." He said with a smirk and winked at me. I looked at him with a disgusted face. But actually i was embarrassed. He didnt get offended instead he closed his eyes and made some smooching sounds which made me blush and he- laughed. I looked down at my wine. It was red, it kinda looks like blood but it taste good. Better than beer though. Although i really dont drink much often, i dont attend parties often too. I just like being alone in my room reading some manhwas or playing mobile games.

"Why do you hate Eclair?" I asked trying to start a new conversation. He stared at me blankly. Took a sip of his wine and exhaled through his mouth. "He is... annoying." He answered. "Oh.." i replied. "Why do you like him?" He asked. "What- no... its not a- like that.." i answered He smiled and looked at the view again. Its 3:15 now. I looked at the view. I can see houses and cars from my friends.
We both drank some wine for a bit and starting some random conversations. I was having fun and laughing at Madeleine's jokes.

I can agree that Madeleine makes me happy and can change mym emo personality to a cheerful personality. Which can only last for a while.

Madeleine Pov.

I was also looking at Espresso while he laughs while closing hiz eyes. I can tell he is very attractive but his hair is a bit messy which is cute. I finnished my wine and he is almost near from finnishing it. Im cheering him yelling softly "go! Go! Go! Shot!" And he is laughing. So cute.

Its probably the first time ive seen him laugh. I mean- im always around him because we live in the same hotel with Latte and Almond. But he is always in his room. He is also very smart

He finished her drink. We both laughed and went inside. We saw Latte falling at the ground and we both laughed at eachother. We went on the couch were Latte has been and sat there for a while. I realised he was cold so i gave her my jacket and hugged him. Thats what friends are right?

Anyways he was wearing an oversized clothing. The sleeves stopped at his chest ends- okay umm thats weird but lets just- whatever. The color of the clothes is black with a white end. His hair is tied up in a small ponytail but he removed it to lay on me. His socks are different colors or maybe different designs.

The others are sleeping so tightly and Vampire is snoring so loud.
I hugged himtight and i didnt realise we were cuddling, well i dont mind as long as he is happy.


Me and Espresso woke up with Latte taking pictures of us and Cocoa having tears of happiness. Vampire is still asleep and Alchemist was on the ground, She fell. I looked at Espresso he was so embarrassed that he layed his head on my chest. I was happy. He kept his face my chest covering himself. I dont even know if he likes this or not. Cocoa burst into tears and fainted. I told Espresso to sleep again and he did. I looked at Latte with siren eyes and she got scared and i laughed she started to have a tear on her eye and fell. Espresso is really cute, he is like a cat. smiled still stroking his hair. I kissed his forhead and closed my eyes and went to sleep.


So fun fact i took this from a straight oneshot i made so correct me if a pronouns is wrong or names are wrong thats all lol

Word count (including this outro): 1386

ꨄ︎: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 , 𝘌𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘊𝘙𝘒 ✅Where stories live. Discover now