Chapter 1: Aisha & Hazel

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A woman in her fifties was lying down on the floor of her house, sleeping while drool was coming out of her mouth. Trash was all over the place as she hadn't clean it ages. Some people in her block speculate that she was a witch due to her home always being cluttered with unnecessary items and having a black cat, Jimmy. But the woman didn't care. She had had enough with the people outside, so she decided to stay in for the rest of her life (according to her plan). That was until she heard a knock on her front door. She ignored it but the person wouldn't stop knocking! So of course, she got up, put her glasses on and opened the door to the desperate stranger. Surprisingly, that desperate stranger turned out to be non-other than an old friend of hers, Hazel.

Her and Hazel went to the same high school together. Apparently they took a few classes together and the two eventually got close. Although their friend group separated after graduation, they still keep in touch with each other. Only, sometimes though. Hazel herself wasn't as bad of a friend for her to have. She was bubbly, had grandchildren, and overall a supportive person. The woman kind of envied for her life. Are things gonna get better for her somehow?

"Aisha" she said.

Oh right, that was her name. She didn't remember the last time anyone that had called her by her first name. It feels weird now that she thinks about it. With a slight pause, she answered back, with only a short stutter.


Hazel hesitated a bit before talking. She took a quick glance at Aisha from top to bottom.

"Aheheh, do you want to go grab dinner with me later? I wondered it'd be better for me to get away from my bustling house and visit my old-so old friend! And here I am!"

It was awkward. Aisha could tell that Hazel was nervous talking to her for the first time after what felt like years of not talking to each other. When was the last time they even talked again? After Hazel had her eighteenth grandchild was it?

Anyway, the two women were just standing there. Aisha broke off the silence by accepting Hazel's offer and soon after, she waved Aisha a goodbye before walking away as she clutched a small flower-printed purse.

Aisha watched her as she slowly disappeared in the distance. She then closed and locked the door. She walked over to her old stinky brown couch and sank on it. Her cat Jimmy jumped onto the couch and started getting comfortable as he wrapped himself into a ball, feeling the warmth of his furry cat body. He meowed to let Aisha know he was there, but she just sighed heavily in return and closed her eyes.

"What am I gonna do now, Jims? I'll be going out later for the first time! If only I had presumed my studies in farming and agriculture will I not end up like this!"

Jimmy just huffed in response. From Aisha's perspective, she thinks he's just shrugging.

Aisha just stayed there. Sitting on her twenty three year old brown couch that had cat fur and other trash covered all over it.

Aisha then thought of things that she had done before settling into the life she was in right now.

She was labelled as one of the shy kids at school. She was introverted, and spaced herself out from others, only talking to them when either needed or when they first approach her. She actually has a personality of her own when she gets close to the people she trusts, including Hazel! Hazel also used to be a shy girl. But the difference between the two was that Hazel works well when doing group work, especially with Biology. She used to go to the library every week to study! She even had her own study glasses that she wore! Those times were probably the most memorable to Aisha during her highschool days, and mostly about Hazel.

Hazel was more of the Matchematics-Science girl where as Aisha was more of your History-English girl. Aisha had a spark intrest with literature. She remembered signing up for a poem competition and she won unexpectedly. She also won multiple spelling bees for your information. But English wasn't Aisha's favorite subject. In fact, she was best at Agriculture. Aisha had always loved plants, learning about them and basically everything about them. She learned how to farm a bit, but she soon got the hang of it. After she graduated highschool, she opened up a mini pop-up stand outside of her old home where she sold all the crops she had planted in her backyard. She would water and care for the plants everyday, just so none of the buyers get a rotten cabbage (gross!). But at the time Aisha felt like farm-life wasn't the life for her. For some reason, she felt like she could do better at finding jobs that can give you more money. So, she closed up her pop-up stall and started finding jobs. Long story short, she kept getting fired because she didn't do very well on what she was told to. She moved into a small but cozy two person home in her now neighborhood and still lives there for who knows for how long now.

Aisha felt something tapping on her left arm for about three times now. She ignored it anyway. The tapping kept going on until she opened her eyes to see Jimmy gently tapping and meowing at her. She blinked a bit and then yawned. How long was she asleep for? She took a peek at her window and saw that the sun was about to set. She looked at the wall clock, five thirty in the afternoon. Then she remembered about the dinner earlier with Hazel. She only had thirty minutes left! So with a blink of an eye, she bolted up the couch aand started rummaging around the stuffed boxes she had in the main living area. She dug through a lot of clothes, and if she didn't like any she'd throw them behind. Little did she know that she was making her tiny home more messier.

She then got a hold of something that felt slightly different. No, it didn't feel like a clothing item so she pulled it out. A trash bag. Perfect! Aisha thought to herself as Jimmy was behind her looking quite concerned for his fellow owner. Aisha got up and walked into another room to change. Just as she was checking herself out in the mirror, the doorbell rang. "Coming!" was all Hazel heard from the other side. Aisha opened the door to see a Hazel wearing a dark blue sweater with oversized pants and a necklace that was probably gifted to her by her husband, Ricky. And of course, she had the same floral printed purse she was carrying earlier today. She looked quite like a dolled up old lady.

When Hazel saw Aisha at first glance, she gasped and covered her mouth in shock. What an uncultured swine, Hazel must've thought. She shook her head in disapproval and gave her a small 'tsk.' She pushed Aisha back into her house and starting looking through her 'no' pile of clothes. Aisha was so confused on why her old lady friend was acting this way.

After rummaging a bit, Hazel handed over Aisha normal looking clothes to wear. She quickly changed and they both took off to the restaurant of their choice, patting Jimmy on his head and waving him a goodbye before leaving.

On the way to the restaurant, they were surprisingly talking. And also laughing, in to which Aisha didn't think would ever happen. They talked about their highschool memories, Hazel's fan club (yes she had one apparently lol), the awakening of Aisha's love for plants, and many more jazz. They were walking on the side of the street when a pregnant cat whose fur was white but looked dirty, was walking on the street to get to the other side. Aisha felt nervous for the cat as she kept on glancing at it while looking at Hazel at the same time. Looking at two different beings simultaneously is quite tricky isn't it?

Suddenly, to Aisha's horror, a big, intimidating looking dump truck was driving at a not so normal speed for a truck that big to be driving. To make it worse, it's also coming to the cat's direction! So without thinking, the animal loving woman that she was, she jumped into action. No, literally, she jumped into action as she pushed the cat away. Fortunately, the cat survived being pushed to the sidewalk despite being pregnant. But unfortunately for Aisha, she wasn't able to get out of the truck's sight, and thus getting hit by it.

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