Letting Off Steam

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June 3rd4:38 PM

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June 3rd
4:38 PM

Jongseob sighed at the glowing red sign hanging over his head, shaking his head as he stepped inside the small establishment, greeted by a girl at the front desk.

"Hey, welcome to the Rage Room." She smiled. "Can I have your name?"

"Uh, Kim Jongseob."

"Alright, Jongseob..." The girl wrote his name down in a list on the desk. "What brings you in here today?"

"I just heard about this place through a friend – just wanna let off some steam, that's all." Jongseob shrugged.

"That's okay. How long do you want your session to be? I can start you off with twenty minutes if you'd like..."

"Yeah, that's fine with me, thanks." Jongseob gave the girl a small smile.

"Alright then!" The girl smiled back. "If you could follow me, we'll get you set up to go to a room."

The girl led Jongseob down the hall to a changing room, helping him slip into white coveralls, gloves, and safety goggles and giving him a rundown of the rules.

"With that, you can go in there and let loose. I'll be out in front if you need anything." Jongseob nodded and headed inside his designated room.

Instantly, he felt overwhelmed by the amount of glass in that one room scattered on the table and the floor – a broken TV sat in a corner and a couple of vases with other fragile objects.

He also peeped an array of weapons for him to use at his disposal, the lightest seemingly being a wooden pole, and the heaviest being a sledgehammer.

Jongseob had known he wasn't necessarily the strongest, but he wasn't scrawny either. So, as he stared at the weapons rack, Jongseob started to rule out the ones he felt he couldn't lift.

That left him with three options: A metal baton, an aluminum bat, or he could just pick the items up and throw them with his hands. So, he settled on the bat with his eyes trained on the glass cups on the table.

Jongseob picked up a cup, examined it a second, and watched it slip from his hand, shattering on the concrete in multiple pieces.

The sound of the glass shattering seemed to send a spike of adrenaline through Jongseob's body, and he raised the bat above his head before bringing it down onto the table, china shards flying in different directions around him.

Smirking, Jongseob continued swinging the bat, smashing every piece of glass in the room into smithereens before turning his attention to that broken TV.

He pushed the television out from the corner with his foot, soon realizing how heavy the blocky set was, but still decided to take some swings at the TV with his bat.

Only it wasn't doing that much damage, not even cracking the screen – that annoyed him a little, so he went to rip the antennas off the top of the TV in a short-lived fit.

Then his eyes floated back to the weapons rack, landing back on the sledgehammer.

Should he just say, "fuck it," and pick up the weapon knowing how heavy it might've been for him?

That was a question Jongseob kept asking himself, but he decided to go with his gut and exchange the bat for the sledgehammer anyway.

Almost immediately, Jongseob regretted picking up the hammer since as soon as he pulled it from the rack, the weight from the hammer dragged the tip down to the floor. "Fucking shit...!" He nearly stifled a laugh.

Jongseob used half of his strength to pick up the sledgehammer from the ground and then used the other half to swing at the TV, earning a loud boom and crackling of glass and metal.

Yep, the sledgehammer – for sure – did ten times more damage than the bat – that made Jongseob smile a bit as he continued to swing.

Jongseob hadn't noticed how much time had passed until he heard a soft knock on the door through the music playing in the room. He looked up from the destroyed TV to see the girl from the front desk again.

"Had fun?"

"Uh...Yeah," Jongseob panted. "Yeah, this was...cool."

"Glad to hear," The girl chuckled. "You're free to go change. I'll meet you back out front, okay?"

The boy hummed, placing his weapon back in its appropriate spot. He left for his changing room and spent at least seven-ish minutes stripping off the coveralls and gloves before leaving the room, meeting the girl back out in the front.

"Thanks for visiting." She smiled. "Hope to see you again sometime."

"Yeah, I'll be sure to come back here." Jongseob nodded his head. "Hey, what's your name? I wanna tell some more friends about this place."

The girl's smile grew a little wider. "It's Indiya...Indiya Maryn..."

"Welp, thanks for helping me out, Indiya," Jongseob smirked and slid the girl a twenty dollar bill in tip money, pivoting on his heels toward the door.

"See you around."


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