Break Shit

82 5 3

June 6th
2:46 PM

Indiya sat at the front desk of her job, scrolling through messages between her and a few of her friends, not entirely paying attention to her surroundings.

Business seemed to be slow that day; only a few customers came through the doors, but it was a party of five looking to have fun for one of their birthdays – nothing out of the ordinary.

So she didn't think twice when she heard the front doors open again, but when her eyes floated away from her phone, she was somewhat surprised.

A guy around her age dressed in a uniform from a local college approached the desk, hair disheveled, clothes trashed, and what appeared to be dried mud coating his face. He was either already crying, had been, or was on the brink of doing so.

Either way, the poor boy was obviously in bad shape, and Indiya noticed right away.

"Is...everything okay, sir?" She asked with a tinge of concern in her voice. "Do you need help? Should I call somebody?"

"No!" He ended up blurting out, violently shaking his head. "N-No, please don't call anyone!"

"O-Okay, okay...calm down..." Indiya came around the desk to sit the boy in a nearby waiting chair. "What happened to you?"

"I-I...ran here..." The boy went on to explain. "I was on my way home from class – my house isn't far, so I don't have to drive most of the time. I wish I...fucking did today, though..."

"Why? Were you being followed?"

"Yes!" He nearly shouted. "These stupid kids from school don't seem to fucking understand the meaning of 'Leave Me Alone,' bro! I hate confrontation, and they always knew it...They kept spinning blocks and drenching me in dirty rainwater until I finally decided to run. First place I found was here..."

"These are bullies?" Indiya asked for clarification, to which the boy nodded. "How long has this been going on?"

"Weeks, months, years – I fucking lost count, man..." The boy scoffed. "What does it matter? Nothing's gonna change until I either graduate or drop out, and I don't have enough grit to do one of those. You do the math..."

Indiya hummed. "I see. Wait here for a sec, alright?" She stood from her seat next to the boy to go into one of the back rooms, grabbing a set of coveralls, gloves, and goggles.

She came back to hand them to the boy. "Take these and go to one of the changing rooms."

"What...are these...?" He frowned, then paused, finally taking a moment to observe the establishment he was in. "And what is this place?"

"You'll see, trust me." Indiya smiled a little. "The changing rooms are right down there."

Though confused and a slightly bit hesitant, the boy rose to his feet, clothing items in hand as he was directed into a changing room on his left. All the while, Indiya got one of the rooms ready for him.

She only had to wait for ten minutes for the boy to return, most of the dried mud on his face wiped away. "You ever heard of a Rage Room, uhh...what's your name?" She asked him.

"I-Intak," The boy stated. "And yeah, I have heard of, just never been to one..."

"Do you get the concept of it?"

"Not...entirely..." Intak slowly shook his head as Indiya opened the room to him.

"It's simple, man. You know how to use these?" She pointed to the weapons rack.

"For the most part."

"You know how to break shit?"

Intak shot a startled glare at Indiya. "Well, yeah..."

"Cool," She turned to leave Intak in the room. "Now start breaking shit. I'll be out front."

The door closed, and the first thing Intak pulled from the rack was a crowbar. Almost immediately, he felt a shift in his mood the moment the metal touched his hand.

It was a similar mood to when Intak had first set foot in the store – annoyance, but it came back, tenfold. Intak couldn't tell what it was.

His vision started spazzing, his ears were ringing, and his grip on the crowbar tightened to the point where his knuckles whitened.

He couldn't hear himself scream at that moment, but Indiya could, and holy shit, was he angry...

She hadn't heard a scream that animalistic since she started working in the store; a guy came in a few days later in tears because he found his wife in their bed with his best friend.

Ole boy was pissed that day...It just goes to show that you never know how much baggage someone is carrying just by looking at them...

Indiya's train of thought was interrupted by another piercing cry from Intak, which was soon followed up by a string of cursing.

"FUCK YOU, YOU LITTLE FUCKING BITCH!" A couple-second-long shattering of glass rang at Indiya's eardrums. "FUCKING BURN IN HELL! ROT, MOTHERFUCKER, ROT!"

"Holy shit..." Indiya was growing a bit concerned at what she was hearing from the back and decided to switch on the room cameras, flipping through each channel until she found the camera connected to the room Intak was in.

In the span of five minutes, that boy went and upturned everything in that room.

From what Indiya could see, there was little to no more glass to break, one of the tables holding dishware was split completely in half, and all of the weapons were scattered across the floor.

Intak, seemingly fatigued, had now taken refuge on the floor by the door, his goggles in his lap.

That was when Indiya made her way back to his room, greeting him on the ground with a small, yet comforting smile.

"You need something to drink?"


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