What a Dumb Day...

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"The skies are green, the grass is brown, and you owe me for driving your truck around missy! Remember, I get 20% of what you make!" Driver cheered robotically.

"It'd be a lot easier to pay you if you weren't a chirpy jackass about it," Strawberry grumbled, fishing through her pocket for the right amount of discs. "Here, now shut up and sleep."

Driver squealed as Strawberry walked off and started setting up shop. The metal warehouse door was shoved up, and the crates were in order. 

Strawberry slumped down next to the very back of the truck, waiting for some passerby to request something worth purchasing. 

The truck in question was in fact, a truck. However, it was modified so that one of its walls was replaced with a salvaged metal warehouse door. Inside the truck was a measly mechanism that upon being used, would swap out crates with another set of crates. Crates would be filled with varying things, such as glowsticks and glowing rocks, or fabric flowers and old, green string.

Strawberry ruffled her messy, black hair, which, were it not for a spare comb, was able to be detangled. Looking around and seeing nothing, she scratched her stomach, covered in an old, dirtied red shirt. Her pants, or rather overalls, were causing so much leg itchiness that it started to stop bothering her.

Hours upon hours were spent waiting. Without any profits for the day, Strawberry sighed heavily, tired of the same cycle of nobody buying anything. She knew that soon, she wouldn't be able to pay Driver and she'd be doomed to die on the grim paths of wherever the hell she ended up. 

Strawberry stood up, closed the warehouse door, and crawled into the truck through the window, with Driver's help. Cuddling up in the other seat, Strawberry held herself together and dozed off.

"What a dumb day...," Driver mumbled before falling asleep with her.

Note: god i'm tired

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