✾ VIII : Fall of The Syndril ✾

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"Did i frightened you? Rose." the old man with golden glowing eyes asked me as he recognised the expression on my face , how on the earth he woke up?

"H-how do you know my name? How did you woke up?" I took my position to fight but i knew he can anytime kill me, despite of being old.

"Clam down, first. I won't harm you. Trust the words of a wise king." I sat down where i was, still keeping distance from him. "You have the most purest heart that any human could ever have. There is something inside me that is locked and you are the key."

The words sure felt like a puzzle. What lock and what key? Is this the shadows' illusion? Perhaps the wind of this place really affected me. He understood my confusion but still didn't bother to explain everything, like father like son.

"I don't know what are you saying but your son is a pain in the ass, I'm sure you know that but it doesn't mean i won't protect you. But in first place, why am I supposed to protect you? You have powers and you are stronger than me. You sure can protect yourself."

He signed and leaned at the wall of the cell. "Jungkook is short temper and always makes mistakes but believe me, he has good heart." He tried to condole me with those cheesy words.

"Good heart, my foot. If he really has good heart, he wouldn't ordered the soldiers to kill me.

I could have been died." I gasped by realising that how terrified i am, not from this old man, not even from Corvina but Jungkook. No one can ever change my terror into respect. No one broke my trust here but he did and i won't ever forgive him for this.

Shame dances over my heart whenever i remember that how i followed him to another world, how can I be so foolish to trust a stranger that comes in my bedroom when i am sleeping and tells me to follow him.

The man infront of me went silent 'cause he knew this is what his son deserved and I'm not wrong.

"And Why is she doing all this? I sure there have to be a reason for this destruction." I broke the silent and asked to him. His eyes trembled in confusion to tell me or not. "So listen.." he started, finally deciding to tell me. Is this also called trust?

"Decades ago, there was a small kingdom, Syndril. It was beautiful as a memory of an alluring dream. Even the sun has some kind of friendship with that place. That's why it danced on the green leaves of the forests and gardens.

After many prayers and sacrifices for the goddess of Moon, the king and queen gave birth to identical twins. Lucian and Corvina. Corvina used to be quiet and always had a dark aura with her. She could manipulate darkness. Everyone treated her differently with her sister just because they assumed darkness is monstrous, so did i. But we didn't know that darkness can be soothing too, we forgot that the Moon only shines in the darkness.

This is true that monsters hide in the shadows. But the one who doesn't have shadows are the real monster. Sometimes monsters are just misunderstood creatures. The creature that we always refuse to understand.

Lucian was a cheerful lady, everyone was always comfortable around her. She had power to manipulate light, that was soothing as the moonlight itself. She loved to dance to the music of the rain and that's when I met her.

Between the rhythm of music of the rain, our eyes interlocked and that's when i knew that i would die for her, kill for her and do anything for her. We were both indeed soaking at the cold rain but i felt so warm just because her gaze were on me.

She was my first and only love as you call in your world. She cared for everyone, she used to understand others' pain and that's the one of the reasons I fell for her. Surprisingly, she felt the same towards me too and we exchanged rings.

Corvina used to come and visit her sister in Serendipity often. But the people started to blame her for everything unfortunate that happened out in coincidence, called her witch after knowing that she belongs to darkness. She tried to tell everyone but no one listened. As a king, I had to exile her from here. I had to fix everything right.

The royal priest declared that, these problems could only be fixed by spreading her ashes into the unfortunate air of Serendipity so that the kingdom can be purified and be at peace."

Author's note

Next chapter is gonna be longer than usual. Be ready~

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