✾ XIII : Labyrinth of Shadows ✾

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" I appreciate that Your highness risked the things just to save me

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" I appreciate that Your highness risked the things just to save me....

"But wouldn't i be called as selfish? Taking the medicine to decrease my pain while the others are going through the same hell as me, is cowardly. I vowed to offer the last breath for the king and Serendipity, so i will. But i dare not accept this help from the prince."

I.... What kind of person is he?

The growing beasts in other's eyes seemed to sleep again when they listened to this speech of Soobin. They didn't know whether to feel guilty or greedy.

In the end, humanity remained and no one accepted to take the medicine. My limbs felt weak and i knelt before the soldier.

I was ready to fight with my own men to save this one but he... His naive choice ended all the civil war, that was about to arise. He could have chosen to drink the medicine, maybe it can even cure him, make him feel less painful but he didn't. He chose to die because others were also dying?

It was so foolish, cretinous, wonderful and defeated but wasn't it the definition of humans that God gave?

"I'll find a way to cure all of you." I clenched my fist and looked down at the sand, not knowing if it was to assure them or to me. Has it always been like this? These peoples... They end up dying a nameless death in the battlefield for childish reasons of the kings and call it heroism, call it loyalty, call it reverence.

But for what?

Pardon me for not describing in words but the truth is i also can't understand this. It is utterly beyond common sense.

Yoongi, Namjoon and I departed with other 50 power holders to the Labyrinth of Shadows. It is nothing but a bunch of shady trees and twisted ways with twisted creatures, even the sun refused to shine the place hence it is called Labyrinth of Shadows.

Whoever named these places must have enough time to waste upon these bullshits and definitely lacked creativity. Why on earth is their name so big? It should have been--

"Ah! We got lost!" The sound echoed in the whole forest.

The path was narrow and dark, as far as our sight could reach was nothing but woods sharp as knives, trees giant as monsters. It was not clear if the night was dark or these leaves were darker. All the paths seemed bizarre and dangerous.

"We can see that." The other one replied in a serious tone, almost pissed.

Who wouldn't?

"What do we do now? Which path is correct?"

"Isn't it simple? Choose the path which is less weird than others." Soldier no.2 shrugged.

"Quite the absurd! You--"


A sudden howl and they all lost their voices and stuck to each other as a rope was binding them. Trauma really can make a grown up fear like a child. The early incident was enough for them to stay alert as a virgin girl in a road full of beasts.

"Your highness...."

Ahhh why did i bring them, again? I rolled my eyes with those fear groans of grown up men who were acting like a child. If a kid would have called me like this i would have lifted him up on my shoulders out of his cuteness but these.... It's disgusting with them.

"Shut up! Go back if you fear this much." I glared at them through the darkness of the maze.

"Fifties men and fearing just the sound of an animal." Namjoon hissed.

We three left those 'men' and walked further, they immediately came running again. The further we walked, the more the path seemed narrow as if we were walking into the stomach of a giant beast, ready to digest with the stomach acid. The howling sounds of the creature were like they were just by our side. Over the tree, behind us and even beneath our feet.

"Look there!" Namjoon pointed in a specific direction, there was dim light. Although some of the power holders can generate fire and light, it is exhausting.

The direction Namjoon pointed as not a shady tree but spiny branches with no leaves but tiny flowers, they glint as knives in the light. These flowers were almost illuminating the surroundings of the tree as they glinted, shape as a tiny finger, they hanged on the stem of the tree.

Wait... Light?

All heads up, jaws dropped down to the earth as everyone noticed the sky.

There was the Moon.

"These are called Moon Flowers. They only grow in the light of the moon and in shady areas in muddy soils. The flowers bloom on the stem of the trees not the branches, their nectar can make a dead one bring back to life. In a simple way, it is the permanent antidote of the poison of the soldiers."

Namjoon explained as he went ahead to inspect further, the wet soil made a weird sound he stepped on and continued.

"The moonlight here is enough for them to grow in hundreds of amounts. Let's-- ah!"

"What happened?!" I stepped forward to look only to find he plucked the flower, it stopped glowing as it was, instead the howling sounds finally stopped and the forest fell in the horrific silence.

It was so silent that heavy breaths could be heard without even trying. After some crazy heartbeat, the heavy breaths seemed to be out of the tone, almost like a scream, almost like a hungry creature. Almost like a monster. These breathes are not of the soldiers?!

At the sound of a broken dry branch, something leaped out of the shadows.


Author's note

Sorry for the late update! Exams are a bitch.

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