Chapter 8

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It was pouring down. The rain thrashed the windows and the leaves on the trees clung on for dear life. This was the worst storm to hit the UK in years.

My 16th birthday was in 2 weeks and I had been planning it for months. Now that the lambs had grown up enough not to need daily care, I could fully focus on my party.

The door flew open and my dad rushed into the house, dripping wet, holding a lamb.

"Dad?" I rushed up to him. "What happened?"

"This little fellow somehow managed to escape the barn, was outside all by itself," he grabbed the towel from the floor and threw it on the lambs back. "Take him by the fire."

I grabbed it, it's fleece was soaked and cold. It's little head was shaking. The fire was roaring, as usual, and I settled myself on the floor, rubbing the lamb dry with the towel.

The house was peaceful for a moment and everything was quiet apart from the rain outside.

The door crashed open once again. My dad spun round where he stood and my eyes snapped up.

"What do you think is going on here?" My mums voice screamed down the hallway. Her voice was slurred, she had been drinking.

"Alice, you shouldn't be here," Dad's voice was cold and stern.

"Why is there a sheep in my house?" She stumbled into the living room.

I picked up the lamb and stood up quickly.

"This isn't your house anymore," my dad stood in between my and her.

"Don't tell me what is and isn't mine Harry," she pushed past him and walked towards me. "Is this your idea? The sheep in the house?"

"Mum please," my voice was shaking as I clutched the shivering lamb close to my chest.

"Don't go any closer to her, I'll call the police," Dad pulled her back, only to be met by a slap in the face.

"Don't you touch me," my mum looked at him. "She's my daughter too."

"Alison," my dad tried to get hold of her again but she ran towards me.

"Y/n why is there a lamb in the house?" She was glaring at me, I stood unable to speak. "Answer me!"

There was a glass of wine on the coffee table. My mum clocked it before my dad could reach it. She threw it at me. I ducked just in time before it shattered onto the stone floor, red wine spilling just like a pool of blood.

Before I could move, my mother lunged at me, but was quickly held back by my dad. He dragged her back outside the house and slammed and locked the door. He dialled the phone and called the police.

He walked over to me.

"That woman won't ever come here again," he kissed my forehead. "You warm that lamb up and I'll clean up this mess. We can have pizza tonight."

Present day

I stared down at my phone. The message had come through 2 hours ago when I was in Charles apartment. Now I was sat on my couch, the message still floating round in my mind.

It was my mother.

I had deleted and blocked her years before. How did she get my number? What was more worrying was her message.

+44 7652 081097

Hiya love, it's your mum

I've seen you've got a new boyfriend

I'm coming to Monaco soon, love to meet you both xx

I couldn't not look at it. My mother was coming to Monaco. No one knew about her and what happened except me and my dad. And I would've liked to keep it that way, but know she's coming? I don't know what I'm going to do.

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